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  1. W

    Philosophical exercise:

    So a prize that has a Toll bridge as first prize is a Tollwin (tolwyn) Sorry, Going to get drunk so I can be more sane :) sorry But can someone tell me Please why a lot of the names in WC are welsh? Was Chris Roberts Welsh?
  2. W

    Welsh in Wing Commander PLEASE READ!

    But the makers must have known the script was a big pile of trash. So do you cast unknowns or get the talents of Mark Hamill, Tom wilson and John Rhys Davies who in my opinion are all underatted actors and maybe get people to go and see the film and have some people go because they have heard...
  3. W

    Welsh in Wing Commander PLEASE READ!

    Scripts can be easily changed. Indy 4???? How old is Harrison Ford How Bizzarre!!
  4. W

    Welsh in Wing Commander PLEASE READ!

    Okay I am new to the Wing commander comuunity so Hi everyone! I started playing from WCIII onwards and was hooked. Just a few questions 1. There seems to be a few welsh references in WC. Anyone know why? 2. So as a "Pleeb" (can you smell me) being new what is the best download or...