Search results

  1. ChrisReid

    Impressive WC3 Ships Modeled in Space Engineers (January 4, 2024)

    Today we have a very cool flythrough of a set of Space Engineers maps by Jason Musgrave. We've seen a handful of impressive designs over the year from Wing Commander 1 to Privateer to WC4, but WC3 was relatively untapped territory. Now we're getting three-in-one by way of a fantastic TCS...
  2. ChrisReid

    Wcdx - Kilrathi Saga for modern Windows

    Any tips on what you did in case someone has a similar problem later? WC1 and SM1 do overlap a lot - there's no separate directory.
  3. ChrisReid

    Originator Update Helps You Create Worlds (January 2, 2024)

    New year, new Originator! AllTinker is kicking off 2024 with another release to his impressive Wing Commander modding and hacking tool. New features include a better reader for hex editing, support for more WC3 elements like cockpits, improved decompression of Privateer 2 contents and more...
  4. ChrisReid

    Happy New Year! (January 1, 2024)

    Happy New Year Wingnuts! We made it through another year. Some very cool projects got off the ground in 2023, and we're super excited where they go in 2024. Our annual new year's poll is live now. Got an idea for something that might interest Wing Commander fans in the year ahead? Or just...
  5. ChrisReid

    BREAKING: WC Prophecy on GOG

    Hey, have you tried the steps in this thread?
  6. ChrisReid

    Happy New Year's Eve! (A Look Back at 2023) (December 31, 2023)

    We've come to the end of another year, but before we say our last goodbyes to 2023, it's time to take a look back at the highlights from the past twelve months! The year began, as many do, with lots of glorious fan art and beautiful creations. Mac and Klavs had another very prolific year...
  7. ChrisReid

    Texture Smoothing in PSII Version of WC3/4

    That's a good tip! I actually don't think it's been posted before, so definitely worth sharing!
  8. ChrisReid

    Retro Clip Shows of WC2's EGA Mode (December 28, 2023)

    Binary Legends has posted an awesome 16-minute video featuring the intro and first mission from Wing Commander 2 - in EGA graphics mode! We've posted various screenshots before and LOAF has done some wonderful comparisons between EGA and other iterations of the games over the years, but I don't...
  9. ChrisReid

    George Sanger Releases Groovy New Album (December 26, 2023)

    If you're still in a post-holiday brain daze, maybe you need a shot of funky electronic music to get the body moving again! (In the event that it's Covid, we recommend instead getting a prescription of Paxlovid.) George Sanger and Team Fat are here to deliver with a brand new digital album...
  10. ChrisReid

    Dosbox-Staging 0.81 RC Has Now Been Released with 3DFX / Voodoo 1 Support!

    Yup, good catch. Updated the post. I used to have an instance of Windows 3.1 in my old DOSBox build. Will it let you install a Windows 98 inside? Then it might work.
  11. ChrisReid

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    It didn't trigger anything odd under an Avast scan here.
  12. ChrisReid

    EA Discounts WC Games to 99 Cents (December 21, 2023)

    Most of the Wing Commander games may be excluded from the holiday sale at GOG this year, but Electronic Arts didn't forget about them! The five WC games sold directly from (formerly the Origin Store) have been marked down as a part of the Player Favorites Sale. Each game is only $0.99...
  13. ChrisReid

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    Ding ding ding! @Destro I've been watching more closely since my last post and happened to catch another sale! 99 cents each for the five games that hosts. That's better than the sale price when GOG discounts, and they're not even discounting these games right now. Links at...
  14. ChrisReid

    Having trouble going from WC 1 to WC 2. (Edit: WC 2 mission 3)

    I don't think DOSbox settings necessarily play into it too much, but I think it comes down to the natural difficulty of escort missions and the first time you're escorting fighters. You're outnumbered 5 on 4, so you need to take out 1-2 Sarthas immediately no matter what the cost. After that...
  15. ChrisReid

    Wing Commander 3 3DO Reviewed in Vintage Magazine (December 17, 2023)

    Today we've got a retro review that AD found in the August 1995 issue of the appropriately named Man!ac magazine. It's a German publication, so we've provided a rudimentary translation. It's easy to get a sense of what they have to say: lots of excitement around the video cutscenes and some...
  16. ChrisReid

    Multiverses Are So Hot Right Now (December 15, 2023)

    Here's a quirky crossover mash-up of the different franchises that Mac incorporates into his lore videos. Hope it helps you cruise right into the weekend! -- Original update published on December 15, 2023
  17. ChrisReid

    GOG Holiday Sale Marks Down (Only) Privateer 2 (December 13, 2023)

    GOG has kicked off their big Winter Sale, and it's a weird one! We used to be able to predict what would happen pretty well, but things have been far less consistent this year. Sometimes we only see a few games marked down - or none at all in the case of Black Friday most recently. This time...
  18. ChrisReid

    Exploring a Cockpit Artpiece Mystery (November 12, 2023)

    There wasn't a lot of that kind of stuff at the time. The virtual boy was one example, but no WC game for that.