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  1. Pedro

    WC4 Remake

    We do indeed need help, and AI is one of the areas where we could most definitely use it. I'll drop you a PM
  2. Pedro

    P2 Prototype Cover Inches Closer to Final Version (December 20, 2021)

    Nice! I much preffer this to the final UK cover.
  3. Pedro

    New Wallpaper Recreates Classic End Run Scene (December 6, 2021)

    It's beautiful, just wish it was 4k
  4. Pedro

    WC4 Remake

    Thanks as always to Chris for the update. I'm glad the progress sounds steady, it sure hasn't felt it. To make this update I just looked at the commit history to remind myself what I'd done, it was bursts of a few days of work at a time followed by months of nothing. The most I got done was in...
  5. Pedro

    WC4 Remake

    New post
  6. Pedro

    WC4 Remake

    Thanks, sadly it's been really slow moving this past year as my day job involved getting a game on a huge variety of hardware (still one more launch to go). Should get back to a good pace shortly though.
  7. Pedro

    I've Created a WC4 HD Video Pack

    Personally I'd happy watch the cutscenes like this. The indie scene has done pixel art to death to the point where I *hate* it, but tolerate it in WC's case for the gameplay.
  8. Pedro

    I've Created a WC4 HD Video Pack

    Mostly it just looks very static and too clean to match the FMV (which even without the film grain has other kinds of noise baked in). The models aren't super detailed and wouldn't look as passable in truly clean 4K, just look at one of the original models...
  9. Pedro

    I've Created a WC4 HD Video Pack

    For the game it'll be an option - that said I sometimes wish such things weren't. Imagine playing silent hill without film grain? Some games do just throw the kitchen sink of effects out, but most there was an artistic decision behind it. Our aim is to have the FMV and gameplay merge into one...
  10. Pedro

    Wcdx - Kilrathi Saga for modern Windows

    Always great to see any updates, already it's definitely the best way to play WC1. I can't wait for WC2 to get to the same level.
  11. Pedro

    What happened to Blair?

    I mean an army of spaceman lead clones is basically the plot to oblivion. Unless my memory cheats they never really showed the army of Tom Cruises, just described it. It’s likely either budget or good taste would have kept it from getting too cheesy. Still feels out of place in the wc universe...
  12. Pedro

    What happened to Blair?

    I've always had it in my mind he came back. One I remember writing an e-mail to Origin to which I surprisingly actually got a response (sadly I didn't think to save it) and they said "we don't know if he's dead". In most media "don't know" means "definitely coming back". But also narratively it...
  13. Pedro

    Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Rapiers All in One Place (July 24, 2021)

    Depends on the creator, normally *someone* does care internally but when the medium transfers there's no guarantee they'll make the leap with it. Sometimes the company that holds the ip will be go to great lengths to ensure consistency in order to protect that IP. Of course when a creator does...
  14. Pedro

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    Thanks for the update! And don't worry I know about lack of free time, there's been no news on the WCIV project as I've entered crunch myself.
  15. Pedro

    GOG Delisting Several EA Games (June 25, 2021)

    Makes sense. Dead Space is a certain big seller in this market; so long as they can get the review scores.
  16. Pedro

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    @Destro any updates on this project? Been looking forward to doing a replay with it.
  17. Pedro

    GOG Delisting Several EA Games (June 25, 2021)

    I picked up the entire Origin library just incase. Does anyone have any particular recommendations outside of the WC franchise?
  18. Pedro

    WCIV Tech Demo for WCS Stand Alone

    We are planning on making it run on potato PCs. All the effects are optional and we've been targeting pretty low poly counts knowing not everyone in the WC community is a modern PC gamer.
  19. Pedro

    WCIV Tech Demo for WCS Stand Alone

    The main team (me, ODVS and Defiance) are all swamped at work. I'm in the final stages of preparing a VR game for launch on multiple platforms, so working pretty much 24/7. Work should resume soon, the dates vary slightly but we all start freeing up in about a month.
  20. Pedro

    Perennial Rumor: Wing Commander Making a Comeback? (May 15, 2021)

    Remakes I'm just not interested in generally, yeah the remake of Robocop and Ghostbusters don't spoil my enjoyment in any way - but then I wasn't holding out hope for Robocop 4 or Ghostbusters 3. A remake of Wing Commander would be different as it'd spoil hopes for a new title in the universe -...