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  1. S

    Forgotten Babylon 5?

    I strongly disagree on this point. Babylon 5 was and remains very special. It's not just about surface-level elements, such as being set on a space station; the real story of Babylon 5 spans centuries. No other show I've ever seen has quite the same scope, and the focus on a galactic war as a...
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    Forgotten Babylon 5?

    Little-known fact: The DVD menu for Space: Above and Beyond features the station from Babylon 5. Yes, really.
  3. S

    Forgotten Babylon 5?

    I think it's due to the lack of new content, and the relative inaccessibility of the old content. As I wrote above, the show will never get a proper HD treatment, and the effects look worse today than they did when the show originally aired. That makes the show harder for new audiences to get...
  4. S

    Original SFX in the Kilrathi Saga?

    He's not asking about the music; he's asking about sound effects, such as the laser gun effect. Either way, the answer is the same: You need to record or render the MIDI sound effect as WAV to make that work.
  5. S

    Forgotten Babylon 5?

    It's absolutely worth the time. Unfortunately, the first season can be difficult to get through; much of it is essentially stand-alone, and the writing just isn't very solid in a lot of places. The second season is what will hook you. You also have the option of watching the prequel movie In...
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    Wcdx - Kilrathi Saga for modern Windows

    This is the first I've heard that there's an issue. Thanks for letting me know.
  7. S

    Adventures in Explorations: WC1 Edition

    I believe the sprite size limit can be increased (or removed), but I won't have any time to look into it for at least two more weeks. The game resolution cannot be improved without massive effort, which limits the usefulness of increasing the sprite limit by more than, say, 2x. The game...
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    Wcdx - Kilrathi Saga for modern Windows

    If you're talking about the music, the orchestrations are from George Oldziey, based on the original music files from Dave Govett and George Alistair Sanger. They sound most like the MT-32 versions, but with higher-quality instruments and a few added touches here and there. To me, this is the...
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    Wcdx - Kilrathi Saga for modern Windows

    The Spirit bug was never in Kilrathi Saga as far as I can tell. These patches are designed to make Kilrathi Saga playable, with a focus on making sure they integrate properly into the Windows ecosystem; patching the DOS versions would be an entirely different undertaking. I do occasionally...
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    Wcdx - Kilrathi Saga for modern Windows

    It's an interesting idea, I'll keep that in mind for scaling options in the future.
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    Wcdx - Kilrathi Saga for modern Windows

    That sounds to me like the transfer program is unpatched. Patch it the same way you did with the game exe: wcpatch transfer.exe transfer_wcdx.exe
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    Wing Commander Sprite Enhancement, Experimentation, and Information

    But since that's available as a free download and patch, that shouldn't trouble you...
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    Welcome Aboard Lillianna! (October 11, 2018)

  14. S

    Adventures in Explorations: WC1 Edition

    WC1 and WC2 have the same resolution (320x200) and color depth (8-bit, 256 colors). Same goes for Privateer, Academy, and even Armada, if I remember right.
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    Wing Commander Sprite Enhancement, Experimentation, and Information

    I think Privateer was already written in (mostly) 32-bit code, so these limitations may not exist.
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    Adventures in Explorations: WC1 Edition

    These limits can most likely be increased. I'm suddenly feeling motivated.
  17. S

    Adventures in Explorations: WC1 Edition

    Your things are always wanted!
  18. S

    Wcdx - Kilrathi Saga for modern Windows

    If I remember right, the game actually changes the target frame rate based on whether or not there is currently any spoken dialogue. It's just all over the place.
  19. S

    Selling my collection of space combat sims...

    Hmm... tempting!
  20. S

    Wcdx - Kilrathi Saga for modern Windows

    My guess is they were aiming for smoother animation for cut scenes. The frame limit was placed at 70 Hz, which was well within the capabilities of most CRT monitors of the time (but, ironically, not supported by most modern LCDs).