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  1. M

    What the...? (September 4, 2008)

    I was always a die-hard fan of both series, WC being my favorite of the two, despite playing the Ultima games first. At any rate, there was a segment of Ultima I where you had to combat enemy starships to become an 'ace.' They must have really expanded this concept in the remake to include...
  2. M

    What the...? (September 4, 2008)

    Pretty much my reaction when I found it. Ultima II was the one where you travelled through time and space, so maybe they got confused? Who knows.
  3. M

    Origin's time in New Hampshire

    Ugh, ya damn Pinkos! Anywho, I'm going out this week to get the pics. If you're familiar with Manchester Airport, then Harvey Road is the one that runs right alongside it, if you were going to the mall from High Range Rd. in Londonderry. It intersects with S. Willow St. in Manchester where...
  4. M

    Origin's time in New Hampshire

    in 1992, as a kid of ten, I didn't think much of it when older brother, who's double my age, pointed out a specific building on our way to the mall. It was, he said, where Origin used to be. At that time, I was obsessed with Wing Commander and Ultima VII, but I think the fact that we were going...
  5. M

    Xbox 360 unable to read game disk

    Here's a good question; are you standing your 360 vertically, or horizontally? The latter is good, the former is bad. In a perfect world, the vertical configuration works fine - but add a slight tilt or uneven surface, and the drive begins to ware down. Mine began making an alarming groaning...
  6. M

    PC Gamer mentions our favorite game

    Yep, I remember wanting to play Majestic, but couldn't afford it at the time. It had come around just after I played Deus Ex for the first time, so I had that conspiracy flavor in my mouth. Too bad it fizzled. And I agree, EA had games here and there that were ... I dunno if I want to use the...
  7. M

    PC Gamer mentions our favorite game

    I should color one of my statements by saying that their more recent title announcements interest me, where-as they haven't in some years. I never begrudged them their sports titles because, well... Geez, there's a lot of sports out there, and their rosters change every year. So it goes without...
  8. M

    PC Gamer mentions our favorite game

    Bandit - my point is was that one deal is a trite corporate dealing that'll only result in employee turn-over, and not company dispersal (Blizzard), and the other was a relatively larger company acquiring another during a time where the industry was somewhat stable, but its future uncertain (EA...
  9. M

    PC Gamer mentions our favorite game

    One last thought I wanted to add... The only real reason why anyone of us, specifically, could put the 'evil corp' label on EA is that they stopped making our favorite games after the turmoil of the MMO-frenzy that drowned them. It wasn't really their fault or intention. The market was...
  10. M

    PC Gamer mentions our favorite game

    Excuse my vernacular, I meant the general acquisition. Actvision merged with Vivendi. At any rate, my ultimate point was that mergers and acquisitions in this industry aren't necessarily damning events, like they had the high risk of being in the past. There's just so much money in it, now.
  11. M

    PC Gamer mentions our favorite game

    Despite Bandit's abrasive, sometimes humorous intolerance of ignorant statements about video game politics, this is kinda water under the bridge for the 20th time. While Blizzard and Origin are similar in that they focused on the IP's that succeeded (even if Blizzard takes a few eons between...
  12. M

    Do you also have little Kilrathis?

    I think Wing Commander at an impressionable age had something to do with my inate hatred of cats. L.o.l.cats just made it worse.
  13. M

    Why Privateer is Like a Chicken (August 16, 2008)

    D'oh, that was me. Assumed I was signed in.
  14. M

    Sins of a Solar Empire Action?

    I've had it for a while now, and I very much enjoy it. A little too longwinded for multiplayer, though. At least, for the amount of free-time I have.
  15. M

    E3 coming real soon

    Nothing on the Redlime front, as yet. Bungie announces whatever it is they're doing ( is all cryptic, with a timer) tomorrow morning. MS owns Halo's rights, so thankfully we won't be dealing with Haloverkill (yet.) Might be either a new IP, or a new Marathon. Anyone play the Too...
  16. M

    Who's down for a 16 Player Game?

    The best thing to do is pick a date(s) and time and just put it out there well in advance, and whomever can make it, makes it. This sorta fell apart last time 'cause we spent weeks asking for people to post specific times they'll be free. It's easier for one person to clear a day for everyone...
  17. M

    The Slightest Commentary (June 24, 2008)

    I mostly agree with AD, with the added proviso that I was unhappy with the casting of the leads - Freddie "Fly-Catcher" Prinze, Jr. did a serviceable job, but I found myself only enjoying the inter-character jabber when Sansky, Paladin or Tolwyn were involved (and even the latter gave me vague...
  18. M

    Mars Needs Cats (June 23, 2008)

    Lego Mars Mission rules.
  19. M

    Space Shooter First Look: Novastrike (June 19, 2008)

    I love how they tried to relate it to Wing Commander, when it's clearly a 3D version of Zone 66.
  20. M

    WC: Sins of Solar Empire Conversion

    Question; are you guys still looking for 2D artists? I'd be interested in helping. If so, what kind of 2D art do you need? My main site is here, and my [outdated] deviantart portfolio is here.