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  1. M

    COMIC BOOKS! (was: Coping with Depression)

    Anyone trying to follow my link now will encounter a really messed up looking site. That's because you now have to use the link on the frontpage, so it launches in a specifically sized window.
  2. M

    Most anticipated video game of the fall?

    It's a great day for flying.
  3. M

    Most anticipated video game of the fall?

    I suppose you could always adhere your own handle. Or perhaps a lanyard or a knob of sorts.
  4. M

    Most anticipated video game of the fall?

    A Wii can be created easily with objects in the home, provided you have a GameCube. Step 1) Stand up. Step 2) Play GameCube while standing.
  5. M

    Most anticipated video game of the fall?

    God, the 360.
  6. M

    Most anticipated video game of the fall?

    I just talked my wife into pre-ordering me the Survival Edition (Amazon exclusive) of Fallout 3 for my birthday/christmas. Yes, I am a huge nerd.
  7. M

    COMIC BOOKS! (was: Coping with Depression)

    Doesn't go live until the 1st, but you guys can 'sneak peak' the comic here (view jpegs in chronological order). Shhh! In WC-related news, I'm beginning to write a Wing Commander mini-comic that's a few pages longer than the preview above.
  8. M

    COMIC BOOKS! (was: Coping with Depression)

    Back to fruitlessly plug again. ;) Just wanted to let people know that October 1st is the (online) launch day of our introductory comic at Basically, it's a major section of the first graphic novel turned into its own mini-comic. It'll be 100% free and digital...
  9. M

    COMIC BOOKS! (was: Coping with Depression)

    The assumption is probably that the admins won't notice that you're using the same e-mail and/or IP, so when one gets banned, you have a back-up. Since you'd have to be ignorant to do this in the first place, you wouldn't even realize that you can be banned via IP. Or, you like to pat...
  10. M

    Most anticipated video game of the fall?

    I figured they'd do something like that. That's cool. I still need to pick it up; the release kind of snuck up on me... I found out it was out when I saw friends playing it one night on Live.
  11. M

    Most anticipated video game of the fall?

    I like how they finally added AC/DC to the franchise (Rock Band/Guitar Hero), and the one song available is really random. Kind of like how they put Van Halen in GH2, but used a song that was already a cover of a Kinks song.
  12. M

    COMIC BOOKS! (was: Coping with Depression)

    Whoa, missed my typo there, was s'posed to be "not as big a fan OF big comics." Just too hard to follow, going into them cold after so long. Anywho, Baltimore ComicCon is September 27th & 28th. Here's a link with all the details: I won't personally be...
  13. M

    skip the bull

    I love eveyrthing about what I like. And what I like is cheesecake.
  14. M

    COMIC BOOKS! (was: Coping with Depression)

    Not as big a fan as big comics as I used to be. Currently working on publishing a graphic novel, though! Will be at Baltimore ComicCon, pushing stuff from a booth.
  15. M

    Tired of Japandrogyny

    Female Japanese hermaphiles, then? I think the men in those game stand a better chance of being fawned over by guys, until they realize they're dudes and feel really embarassed.
  16. M

    Tired of Japandrogyny

    To many American gamers I know, myself included, this is already a reality. I can enjoy a good platformer now and then, but I think that's more-so nostalgia getting the better of me than actual enjoyment.
  17. M

    What the...? (September 4, 2008)

    As far as I can remember, the Trilkahi were in Underworld 2. The mod that this thread is about is a remake of Ultima 1. The mod is for Neverwinter Nights 1. Apparently, the creators of the mod decided to make the undescribed alien race you fight for a short stage in Ultima 1 the Kilrathi.
  18. M

    What the...? (September 4, 2008)

    Well yeah, but that was from Ultima Underworld II which does not predate Wing Commander. UU2 = 1992, WC = 1990. The Trilkahi in Underworld 2 were just a nod to Wing Commander 1 and 2 (both were out by then.)
  19. M

    What the...? (September 4, 2008)

    Obviously it's an in-joke, considering Trilkhai is an anagram of Kilrathi.
  20. M

    What the...? (September 4, 2008)

    Well, the remake is based on Neverwinter Nights 1, by Bioware, so there you go.