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  1. Sheppard

    LOAF Fixes the Computer of Tomorrow

    I drove down to L&Y's today, left the house at 12PM, got there at 1PM, and didn't leave until about 4:15 PM or so...and in turn didn't get home until about 6:00~ PM due to the rush hour traffic on I-95/270/495 going back home. But man. Loaf does not exaggerate about the old software selection...
  2. Sheppard

    Corrupt/Missing WC2 Special Ops Disks :-(

    Thanks for the disk images, Madman. With some jiggery pokery, I was able to get them working, and installed Special Ops 1/2 in EGA! Word of note though, I think your Special Ops 2 Disk 2 is bad -- it was missing PEOPLE.V31 -- the installer quit, telling me to contact origin customer service...
  3. Sheppard

    Corrupt/Missing WC2 Special Ops Disks :-(

    sure, check your inbox
  4. Sheppard

    LOAF Fixes the Computer of Tomorrow

    Are these hours roughly correct for L&Y? "Mon 09.30 AM - 06.30 PM Tue 06.30 AM - 06.30 PM Wed Closed Thu 09.30 AM - 06.30 PM Fri 09.30 AM - 06.30 PM Sat 09.30 PM - 06.30 PM Sun Closed" Even for me, the drive is a bit over an hour to get there, so I'd like to be sure that she'll be open when I...
  5. Sheppard

    Corrupt/Missing WC2 Special Ops Disks :-(

    I have the WC1 Deluxe and WC2 Deluxe CD-ROMs -- the big difference between the two games is that WC1 Deluxe CD-ROM includes the installers for the Game and Secret Missions, allowing you to install the EGA version; whereas WC2 Deluxe CD-ROM does not include the installers for the game/speech...
  6. Sheppard

    Corrupt/Missing WC2 Special Ops Disks :-(

    A long time ago, I bought WC2 Special Ops 1 and 2 in a combo pack for I think $19.99 from the CompUSA that was at Federal Plaza on Rockville Pike. It was awesome. Then around 2000-2002; I cleaned out my old computer stuff, and tossed a lot of boxes and 3.5" / 5.25" disks that I had kept up to...
  7. Sheppard

    Origin Pricing Guide circa???

    I must be totally insane to be doing all this scanning in a single all-nighter session; but here goes nothing: WC1 Claw Marks - 400 DPI (75-76~ MB) Whew. Bedtime now.
  8. Sheppard

    LOAF Fixes the Computer of Tomorrow

    Loaf: rooms of old equipment and software stacked floor to ceiling in no particular order. could you please define "old software" for us? Are there any games lurking in there, or is it all just LOTUS 1-2-3? Is thinking of a trip there to build a Windows 98 computer with Voodoo 2 for M1...
  9. Sheppard

    Origin Pricing Guide circa???

    Here's some WC1 Documentation done just now, because the stuff available online was not good: WC1 Quickstart Guide - 400 DPI WC1 Reference Card - 400 DPI Some more WC2 stuff: WC2 Reference Card - 400 DPI WC2 Joan's Fighting Spacecraft - 400 DPI WC2 Play Manual - 400 DPI (25 MB)
  10. Sheppard

    Origin Pricing Guide circa???

    And isn't "Strike Commander" part of the universe anyway? Man, 2011 never came true. :-(
  11. Sheppard

    Origin Pricing Guide circa???

    WC2 Special Ops Documentation -- Why oh why did i throw the box/disks away, but keep the documentation? It taunts me! [Hosted at my website] WC2 Special Ops 1 Install Guide/Reference Guide WC2 Special Ops 2 Install Guide WC2 Special Ops 2 Reference Guide
  12. Sheppard

    Origin Pricing Guide circa???

    Continuing the "Shep scans more stuff" vein; some more origin documents, scanned at 300 DPI from the originals, here's the W95 Readme slip from WC4:
  13. Sheppard

    Origin Pricing Guide circa???

    Check out those prices, man! A 12.9 MB version at 300 DPI saved with TIFF/ZIP lossless compression has been sent to loaf's address for archival purposes.