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  1. Sheppard

    Privateer File Documentation

    Location: PRIV.TRE Location II: \DATA\OPTIONS\COMODTYP.IFF Desc Contains the cost/availability data for commodities in privateer. It appears that there is a base price/availability set and then adjustment modifiers for each type of planet/base.
  2. Sheppard

    Privateer File Documentation

    Location: PRIV.TRE Location II: \DATA\TYPES\WEAPONS.IFF Desc Contains the data for the weapons in game in two byte format. Offsets are: TORPEDO SPEED 131 TORPEDO DAMAGE 137 HS MISSILE SPEED 175 HS MISSILE DAMAGE 181 DF MISSILE SPEED...
  3. Sheppard

    .tre extractor? where? (P1)

    There's one; it's called GOBREAD and is a DOS program available from Attaching it to this post to help create a durable record. To run it with Privateer 1 .TRE files, start a DOSBOX session and type: GOBREAD /PRIV PRIV.TRE the /PRIV switch...
  4. Sheppard

    Wing Commander Toolbox

    Here's something that I found on the CIC by accident:,_WC2_and_Privateer_editing_information It has a small amount on WC2 ship editing.
  5. Sheppard

    Zeroing out Asteroid Damage in WC1/2

    Here are zeroed out EXEs for the GOG releases (which is what people will have). If these infringe on copyrighted stuff, go ahead and take them down.
  6. Sheppard

    Wing Commander Toolbox

    Actually, the format used for certain things (asteroids, weapon damage, etc) is very closely similar in WC2 as it is in WC1; they reside in the EXE file. Go to offsets: WC2.EXE: 121624 SO1.EXE : 121938 SO2.EXE : 120504 And you'll start seeing familiar patterns.
  7. Sheppard

    Zeroing out Asteroid Damage in WC1/2

    BTW, the max scale of asteroids in WC2 is different than WC1. WC1=640 WC2=1024 This may be why asteroid fields may be slightly harder in #2 than in the first.
  8. Sheppard

    Zeroing out Asteroid Damage in WC1/2

    SUCCESS! I has done it! Here are the radius offsets for all the asteroids in WC2.EXE: 121624 121867 122110 122353 122596 122839 As before, they are two byte entries. Will do SO1.EXE and SO2.EXE next. EDIT: SO1.EXE 121938 122181 122424 122667 122910 123153 SO2.EXE 120504 120747 120990...
  9. Sheppard

    Zeroing out Asteroid Damage in WC1/2

    BTW, if you go to that rough offset and go up some, you'll start finding weapons data.
  10. Sheppard

    Zeroing out Asteroid Damage in WC1/2

    I *may* have found asteroid data in the WC2.EXE at offsets 121618 122104 Keep your fingers crossed...
  11. Sheppard

    Zeroing out Asteroid Damage in WC1/2

    Messing around with FIELD.V00 and FIELD.V02 thinking that they might have asteroid data (Asteroid Field), led to corrupted graphics: (see attached) Which makes me think that FIELD.vxx controls the cinematic field for WC2... OR ... it stands for starfield, aka the starfield backgrounds.
  12. Sheppard

    Zeroing out Asteroid Damage in WC1/2

    Using HCL's old ship editor for WC2 as a guide, I've successfully used UGE to edit the WC2 Ferret to have a 1/1/1 dps manouver rate; confirming that the SHIP.V00 file contains the data for the ships. Possibly known Vxx file numbers: 0 Ferret Light SHIP.V00 1 Rapier Medium Fighter SHIP.V01 2...
  13. Sheppard

    Wing Commander Toolbox

    Any chance of seeing this extended to WC2? I know that they dramatically changed the format, modularizing the ship stats out of the EXE and into .Vxx files.
  14. Sheppard

    Zeroing out Asteroid Damage in WC1/2

    NOTES: This uses the format adopted by UGE, an old DOS program that I use a lot for game hacking). --------------- WING COMMANDER 1: Look for 9 0 100 0 (Object data in the WC1 engine is two bytes, hence the 9 0 = 9 and 100 0 = 100.) You want to change it to 9 0 2 0 to reduce the radius...
  15. Sheppard

    Zeroing out Asteroid Damage in WC1/2

    Here's a zeroed out WC1 EXE with the asteroids reduced to radius 2. Verified it by flying through an asteroid field with no damage. The WC1 EXE is from the WC1 Deluxe CD-ROM edition. No idea if it works with other installs.
  16. Sheppard

    Zeroing out Asteroid Damage in WC1/2

    I've unpacked the WC1.EXE file and I'm GUESSING that Asteroids and Mines are these:
  17. Sheppard

    Zeroing out Asteroid Damage in WC1/2

    What's their radius in stock WC?
  18. Sheppard

    Zeroing out Asteroid Damage in WC1/2

    Just what it says on the tin. I can play WC1/2 like old days, but the asteroid fields...ugh. They move too randomly and crazily for me to bother with them; but if you skip them, mission scores aren't high enough. Yes, I could just enable the various cheats such as invincibility "wc.exe Origin...
  19. Sheppard

    Corrupt/Missing WC2 Special Ops Disks :-(

    So, disk #2 of my new boxed copy of WC Academy for me is corrupt -- even though I already have Academy on CD-ROM...the completist in me wants to have a complete floppy set as well. -- Decided to post in here, instead of creating a new thread -- perhaps a moderator can rename this to...
  20. Sheppard

    LOAF Fixes the Computer of Tomorrow

    So....Word of warning for anyone visiting L&Y' not expect much from the CD-Jewel Case-only shelves. I'm finding a significant proportion of discs from that area are heavily scratched, to the point where I fear for data integrity during reads.