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  1. Iceblade

    Plunkett Class Cruiser - Improving wiki entry

    Unfortunately, I cannot upload the source documents to the wiki. Not sure if it is a privilege issue or a wiki bug or a browser incompatibility.
  2. Iceblade

    Gauging interest in a remaster

    Wait, Is this an anthropological PhD or a PhD in Game Design?
  3. Iceblade

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Oh right, I forgot about the pre-rendered cutscenes. No need to let it grow though. Set a ceiling. The core goal. Heck the interest in upgraded graphics is just due to this project. Not even a large number of models needed. Here is a much more manageable list: Bug fixes/polish Upgraded models...
  4. Iceblade

    Plunkett Class Cruiser - Improving wiki entry

    From a thread... a long long .... long time ago, back when the poor still used dial-up for internet. There is this little nugget about the Plunkett that I didn't know before. So there was development history for the Plunkett class! I knew about the design document, but never this story. It...
  5. Iceblade

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Unknown Enemy Remastered, oh boy! Brand new models with lots of detail and the massive update of the mod (mostly in adding all of those DLLs). Would be cool to see... one day *sigh* Oh for those high school and undergraduate days when spare time was more plentiful.
  6. Iceblade

    Nephilim Remodels

    What pretty lights to hide such death and doom. No craft is deadlier than a threesome of stingrays. An orgy of hot plasma.
  7. Iceblade

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    The difference in the two types of turrets is a fantastic addition. I especially like that the Plasma Cannon turret was kept so large. This cruiser really is a beast: 6 Tachyon turrets and 15 heavy laser turrets - all double barrel. Only down side is its major components are extremely...
  8. Iceblade

    Gauging interest in a remaster

    Actually, once you are through, your dissertation will not look as frustrating or unappealing. You will remember the hardship but will also be able to take the good from it including lessons learned. You may even want to go back and expand upon your research direction. What area/field is your...
  9. Iceblade

    Destroyer question

    I guess the UEE never invented those fighter shrink rays like Confed had. :D
  10. Iceblade

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    Ah, so great to see the Hangar actually on the capships. It is a great shape and design on the back of that Murphy. Oh and don't forgot about the Hangar on the Plunkett. Not really sure where it would be placed though.
  11. Iceblade

    Gauging interest in a remaster

    A Wing Commander 1 or 2 remake is actually difficult for another reason: The desire to add additional elements to the remake: More fighters both enemy and friendly in missions More background events Added complexities to missions More missions It would really hard to keep it to just the...
  12. Iceblade

    Destroyer Updated (July 18, 2017)

    Now if only we can play Secret Operations with the Murphy and Plunkett fully implemented with anti-capship weapons and watch the fireworks as these ships rip through the Big Bugs.
  13. Iceblade

    Destroyer question

    It is hard to imagine packing 18 Rapiers IIAs into an Exeter or even 16 Rapiers IIAs and two small shuttles inside that small capship. Based on measurements from the extracted game sprite images and using the length as the conversion tool, I have been able map out spaces for the fighters...
  14. Iceblade

    Unknown Enemy Upgrade

    They (Confed) probably decided to not bother with a new designation for the scimitar since it was going to be retired not long after the Rapier I. The Broadsword looks like it recieved a structural redesign between the movie (CF-131) and academy versions (A17 - academy and onwards of course...
  15. Iceblade

    WC Gemini Sector Forum RP looking for a few good men

    I've added a dedicated IRC channel as a means for 2 or more players to get together for an hour or so to have a little bit of faster-pace RP fun that is more character or side-story focused.
  16. Iceblade

    WC Gemini Sector Forum RP looking for a few good men

    Sims and Mushes are very fiction based experience. Essentially it is group-based fan fiction writing. You write what your character sees, does, says, and/or thinks in your post (which is usually called a pose) in response to other characters and the general scene. There is less focus on...
  17. Iceblade

    WC Gemini Sector Forum RP looking for a few good men

    The sim is now established and officially open for applications. Character generation is fairly simple especially for wingnuts. Note former MUSH members need not apply and can jump right in with their old characters.
  18. Iceblade

    Bearcat redone again....

    You know, it kind of has a bit of a Hellcat in its look. Am I just seeing things or were you attempting to bring in more of a Hellcat inspiration into the design. If so, excellent work. PS I love all of the little details... especially that sensor array. A feature so rarely seen in WC.
  19. Iceblade

    Defiance's Eyecandy Thread

    Indeed.... It's not like there was an issue with reusing wc 4 models either since both the banshee and avenger are used.
  20. Iceblade

    WC Gemini Sector Forum RP looking for a few good men

    The Majestic has risen (the ship not the RP just yet). You can now enter the ship and explore its winding corridors and numerous internal spaces: