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  1. Iceblade

    Interest in a Text-Based Roleplay Wing Commander Game

    Combat Code is coming along great and is definitely ready for Roleplaying combats. There is a fair amount of tactics involved in the system. Damage to various components now affects a ship's ability to fight including reduced ship agility and missiles failing to fire. Shields get weaker the...
  2. Iceblade

    CIC Forums Upgrades

    I'm blue without the blue forum theme.
  3. Iceblade

    Wing Commander Toolbox

    Ship: 24: Class: 8; Radius: 10; Mass: 0; Max Scale: 512; Power Plant: 7; Fuel: 30; Damage: 25; Explosive Force: 0; Max Speed: 1600; Cruise Speed: 0; Max Acceleration: 0; Max Yaw/Pitch/Roll: 0/ 0/ 0; Angular Inertia: 0 Shields: Fore: 0; Aft: 0; Armor: Front: 0...
  4. Iceblade

    Wing Commander Toolbox

    Anybody have any luck finding the damage values for Wing Commander 1 and 2 missiles?
  5. Iceblade

    Interest in a Text-Based Roleplay Wing Commander Game

    The intention is to gather at a specific time and roleplay for an hour or so. Scenes could be paused if not finished. Also, if two or more players are on at a time and available, they can play out a scene for bit.
  6. Iceblade

    Interest in a Text-Based Roleplay Wing Commander Game

    I have setup the Discord Server. I am also working on an off-screen battle simulator for adjudicating combat turns. Initially, only I will use it for determining combat action results; but once its been well-tested and polished by combat RPing sessions, I will...
  7. Iceblade

    Interest in a Text-Based Roleplay Wing Commander Game

    The Stiletto squadron is a carry over from Gemini Sector... and of course rule of cool - its Gemini, let's have Stilettos.
  8. Iceblade

    Interest in a Text-Based Roleplay Wing Commander Game

    The time frame will be 2659 to 2661. Epees, Stilettos, and Sabres along with Rapier IIs are well deployed throughout the fleet (carriers at least).
  9. Iceblade

    Interest in a Text-Based Roleplay Wing Commander Game

    I am looking into setting up a Discord-based text roleplaying game with a mixture of scheduled events and free-form roleplaying by players. The game would be wiki-supported for information and logs. Set in Gemini Sector, players will primarily play pilots onboard a carrier caught behind the...
  10. Iceblade

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    A couple of issues. Does this mod prevent the Vision engine from reading in files from the directory? I am talking about more than just ship configuration files and meshes. The movies are back to the original res versions for WCP even though the high res movie files are in the Movies folder...
  11. Iceblade

    Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

    I amend my vote, SabreAce's left star.
  12. Iceblade

    Get Well Soon, LOAF! (August 4, 2017)

    Here's hoping for a speedy recovery and successful operation.
  13. Iceblade

    Unknown Enemy Upgrade

    You're welcome! :D This was kind of what I was thinking, actually.... Just better written with some historical references.
  14. Iceblade

    Plunkett Class Cruiser - Improving wiki entry

    Thank you. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow for document files. As for the entry, I have done much of what I am able to with the entry.
  15. Iceblade

    Unknown Enemy Upgrade

    Here's another possibility about the Princeton. Maybe Confed allowed the UBW to "purchase" the Princeton. It was already damaged and requiring repair and may have been an older design. The BWs (a very small and unthreatening "nation" without Confed defectors) having a fleet carrier would...
  16. Iceblade

    Plunkett Class Cruiser - Improving wiki entry

    I think this thread calls for a Loaf cameo Regarding the Plunkett: In-universe, there is nothing to indicate age. The story above implies a post-Kilrathi war introduction of the cruiser. The ship along with the Murphy were actually non-WC side projects by their respective artists that were...
  17. Iceblade

    Plunkett Class Cruiser - Improving wiki entry

    No official name, it mentioned for Amazon that she participated in the Kilrah Campaign and the capture of the Proxima Gate. So maybe the Sol campaign or the Proxima campaign. There is actually a lot of information about the Nephilim War included in Star Soldier. Numerous battles and campaigns...
  18. Iceblade

    Plunkett Class Cruiser - Improving wiki entry

    Oh, is there a name for the Secret Ops campaign? I'm not sure that Nephilim Incursion is the correct term.
  19. Iceblade

    Plunkett Class Cruiser - Improving wiki entry

    Yeah, a white screen. I honestly don't remember where I downloaded the document - probably the wcnews ftp or news article link. The story is brought to us by Loaf from way back in 2000/2001, and I believe it was written by Captain Johnny or by a designer under him.