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  1. Iceblade

    Hellcat-V Designation?

    Possibly yes, but at the time of the WC4, these designations would probably have been valid considering they had a very spit and clue navy at the time with mostly militia units and defector Confed pilots and crews providing the craft. Certainly creating a new set of designations would have been...
  2. Iceblade

    Forum-Based RPG Recruiting Wingnuts (April 21, 2012)

    The Gemini Mush actually has another European on it, plus often times there are a couple of us on during the afternoon EST. Granted that is probably pushing to the very late evening/early night hours of 8 pm to 1 pm for European players.
  3. Iceblade

    Q's anger management thread (chock-full of spoilers!)

    How about all the waves, they all got creamed except the last one (ours).
  4. Iceblade

    Hellcat-V Designation?

    huh, well looks like we would have had a designation in Arena if this had gone through. One of the flavor texts has the following: Of course it isn't canon, but I guess if you have to have a number, this is better than most.
  5. Iceblade

    Q's anger management thread (chock-full of spoilers!)

    Yeah, that Valkyrie thing seems plain juvenile and out of place on paper, but was pulled off masterfully. It didn't seem weird or out of place, and while you knew what was coming, it was pure fun all the same. (Except for those missiles, but that is gripe with the AI and the missile design.
  6. Iceblade

    Hellcat-V Designation?

    I think we can safely say we are flying a D variant...I think an O variant would be a little ridiculous. It might actually be F-14D but the those numbers are so messy, it could be something else entirely. Hmm... I think there is a dash between the numbers and the D. I have to admit, I am...
  7. Iceblade

    Happy Birthday HCl! (April 14, 2012)

    Definitely Happy Birthday HCl. Always does amazing and excellent work.
  8. Iceblade

    Q's anger management thread (chock-full of spoilers!)

    Maybe on one playthrough...but Wing Commander often requires the player to repeat missions because of death or signficiant mission failure. With Saga, this is made much worse when certain objectives have to be completed otherwise you have to repeat the mission. As a result, shit like this only...
  9. Iceblade

    Q's anger management thread (chock-full of spoilers!)

    Ah missed the "subtitle", well okay. The mission is Nifielheim 2, you tasked with saving the Kinney, only you can't. Immediately after you start the mission, you are supposed to afterburn for the carrier, but it destroyed shortly before YOU get there. Not just your flight, just you. First time...
  10. Iceblade

    Q's anger management thread (chock-full of spoilers!)

    This isn't the only time you are forced into dialogue like this....just a warning....and it is by far worse than this was one is from a gameplay perspective. Maybe it won't piss you off from a story/dialogue perspective, but it was poorly implemented I have to say. They really needed to use...
  11. Iceblade

    Wing Commander: Eagle Rising - A Game Idea

    I thought the Epee finished replacing the Hornet in 2661, not was introduced that year.
  12. Iceblade

    Small gameplay things...

    Point 1: I would agree with this one definitely. It is rather annoying having to miss the explosion because I'm running away to a safe distance. Worse still is the effect on other fighters. There could half dozen or more cats left in the area, and they instantaneously disappear in the...
  13. Iceblade

    Saga Download Tally (March 29, 2012)

    During the first day, the downloading was choked off on multiple sites. Even at the CIC I was getting a mere 100 kb/s. I actually lucked out and found a mirror that wasn't being overwhelmed and got some 800 kb/s. Had it downloaded in less than an hour.
  14. Iceblade

    TCS Majestic Missing in Action in Gemini Sector (March 28, 2012)

    We are completely functional now. Come on by and start the fun.
  15. Iceblade

    TCS Majestic Missing in Action in Gemini Sector (March 28, 2012)

    We do have a host now, but it might be a day or two before we can work out all of the kinks in the combat system and new character system. The best suggestion we have for getting started is to download MUSHClient: Once you have MUSHcilent installed and...
  16. Iceblade

    New Poll Examines Extremely Versatile Warship (March 25, 2012)

    It could also be that the TCS Hades was a prototype/testing vessel for the class, but was it was not the first truly commissioned ship of its class.
  17. Iceblade

    Service entry dates for Confed fighters

    *digs (clicks) up SS* Hmm... yeah, you're right Loaf (as usual). The only reference is to the '69 variant (no start date). It definitely isn't clear if there were versions before it given the commentary from the author. We do know from SS, however, that the Arrow space frame dates back to...
  18. Iceblade

    Service entry dates for Confed fighters

    I think the SS manual cleared up the start date for the Thunderbolt 7 as 2669 (maybe 2668). One idea suggested was that the Thunderbolt 7 was also used for SAR duties since it has a tractor beam (HF designiation having been used for SAR planes). Admittedly, it would seem the designation means...
  19. Iceblade

    WC:CD "Fan Input"

    Just some ideas and comments on your project here: First before asking for mission builders, you might want to present a clear picture of your mod's basic premise. A website would definitely go a long way to presenting and advertising your mod. I'm not really sure where your story is at or...