Search results

  1. ChrisReid

    What Was the Nastiest Stealth Fighter? (February 3, 2024)

    Yeah, things like the game's art assets are relatively extractable and available for something like this potentially, but I see the most likely path being to leverage some next generation form of Xbox 360 emulation that emerges.
  2. ChrisReid

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    Playing with things like volume for narration could be interesting, but one of the beautiful things about this mod is it doesn't just add voiceovers - it adds the authentic original voiceovers from one official version of the game to another. That's really neat.
  3. ChrisReid

    What Was the Nastiest Stealth Fighter? (February 3, 2024)

    Yeah, Quarto did a good job of summarizing the situation, but it can't be overstated how different the digital gaming landscape was. "Just make your downloadable game available on every major platform" wasn't a concept that existed. Microsoft pioneered the idea of small downloadable games like...
  4. ChrisReid

    What Was the Nastiest Stealth Fighter? (February 3, 2024)

    Also the Xbox 360 was good enough to allow for USB storage. Without any hacking/modding, you can stick a thumb drive into a 360 and make as many copies of Arena as you'd like just in case. These in turn can be copied back onto a 360 and used to make more backups, etc...
  5. ChrisReid

    What Was the Nastiest Stealth Fighter? (February 3, 2024)

    And that's why they're on this poll! I don't actually expect them to get votes, but if they make people remember that there were in fact cloaking ships in Arena, then that's success. Some people will dig a layer deeper and learn about the anti-cloak sonar and so on, which is great. As the...
  6. ChrisReid

    What Was the Nastiest Stealth Fighter? (February 3, 2024)

    We are off and running well into the 2024 now, so it's time to conclude our annual new year's poll. We've swapped in a new one about stealth fighters in Wing Commander. The question this time asks which craft you think sowed the most chaos, did the most damage and wreaked the most havoc over...
  7. ChrisReid

    Official WC Development Team (and other) Patches

    I don't have any to sell, but there was at least a Prophecy dev team patch out there. Also some Prophecy squadron patches for good measure:
  8. ChrisReid

    Amazon Drops WCA Price (March 1, 2012) has lowered its price for the upcoming Wing Commander Academy DVD set from $22.49 to $19.99. Fans who preordered at the higher price should be able to log into their account and verify that the "Pre-order Price Guarantee" has already adjusted their order. Amazon also offers special...
  9. ChrisReid

    Your Favorite WC Ship: Now a 3D Print (December 19, 2023)

    Check out this awesome Seahawk model that LOAF recently got 3D printed. The CIC staff love things like this, but none of us have the hardware or technical knowledge to make these ourselves. Fortunately, that's where the cottage industry of make-to-order prints comes in! Some sources can seem...
  10. ChrisReid

    And the Winner Is... (January 28, 2024)

    As January is already coming to a close, we're happy to announce the winners to our annual fan project of the year event! To start things off, we've got two fantastic projects that we are co-awarding Fan Project of the Year this time around. [/url] The first is Wing Loader, which had a...
  11. ChrisReid

    anyone interested in "no cockpit" version of Privateer 1?

    The downloadable files and instructions to install are at
  12. ChrisReid

    About Secret Ops

    Yeah, you used to have to go to to register for the game before you could start it up. Part of the registration asked for your experience and then that chose the default difficulty level you started at. There is a ton about the Secret Ops experience that is somewhat lost to...
  13. ChrisReid

    Fan Project Vote Under Way (January 21, 2024)

    January continues to afterburner along - as does our annual Fan Project of the Year contest voting period! If you missed it last week, there's still time to get your vote in. Check out the nominees below and cast your ballot towards the project you were most impressed by in 2023! First...
  14. ChrisReid

    Bootleg Lego Dragon Arrives! (January 11, 2024)

    Yeah, they could cause some trouble for a bootleg seller advertising their bricks as LEGO (which they don't), but we are also within our rights to misname the offending bricks we bought from someone else as "bootleg Legos."
  15. ChrisReid

    Confederation [Work in Progress]

    It may be true it was a distraction, but I thought that window was very cool!
  16. ChrisReid

    Fan Project Vote Kicks Off (January 14, 2024)

    January is quickly getting away from us, so it's time to pull together the nominees for our 2023 Fan Project of the Year awards! As always, we've got some fabulous options, so let's jump to it! First up, in alphabetical order, are the series of Ambiance videos by Scribbler. This isn't the...
  17. ChrisReid

    Watch SNES Wing Commanders Emulated on an Xperia Phone (January 9, 2024)

    I'm short on time today, so here's a couple of Wing Commander shorts for you! They caught my eye because the videos below depict an Xperia Play (originally conceived as the Sony Ericsson "PlayStation Phone") running SNES Wing Commander and The Secret Missions. At first I wondered if there was...
  18. ChrisReid

    Neat Trick Allows Avenger to Carry Five Mace Missiles (January 10, 2024)

    LOAF has been doing some intense research of peculiar quirks and rare occurrences built into Wing Commander 4. He's discovering that there are a number of exotic things you can trigger by taking very specific actions. For example, if you fly the mission in the Speradon System to capture the...
  19. ChrisReid

    WC Series 75% off in Gog Classic Winter Sale (January 6, 2024)

    We now know why the Wing Commander series was left out of GOG's big annual winter sale... because it was being saved for the Classic Winter Sale! A whole host of games from a similar era are now on sale, especially from Origin and EA. You can complete your digital collection for less than $12...
  20. ChrisReid

    Nephele Bar Patron Reflects on WC4 Film Shoot (January 7, 2024)

    IronWolf1970 recently posted this fun little anecdote from the set of Wing Commander IV. The scale of the WC4 film shoot is vast: real sets, tons of extras and lots of practical effects. However, coming hot on the heels of WC3, it often seems like the earlier game got a lot more press and...