Recent content by Zebonka

  1. Z

    wing commander 4! dub rifftrax style

    Well fellas - I'd just like to put my hand up to this. I'm the ringleader here, and I'm here to say this wasn't a malicious thing at all. I have the *biggest* love for FMVs and lousy acting of the Mark Hamill kind. We just did it for a bit of a laugh, seriously! There are good gags in these...
  2. Z

    wing commander 4! dub rifftrax style

    That was exactly like sarcasm but without the bite.
  3. Z

    FMVs from 3 & 4?

    "Yeah, times must be pretty bad if you can't swing $20 US" Yes. They are. :o Anyway, I'll let this thread die now. :D (closes door on way out)
  4. Z

    FMVs from 3 & 4?

    It was the best of times, it was the *worst* of times. Today I took a trip into TAFE and paid this years tuition fees. No WC4 for a while :D
  5. Z

    FMVs from 3 & 4?

    Indeed, Australia is where I'm at. It doesn't make things impossible, per se, just finnicky, and when things play up it's harder to get anything done about it... heh.
  6. Z

    FMVs from 3 & 4?

    "you get the games themselves too" Gotta admit, has been a while since I played it. Maybe I'll do better this time. Cheers.
  7. Z

    FMVs from 3 & 4?

    " if you want continued help here." I don't. Lovely place, but I'm knee-deep in editing Klingon Academy cutscenes instead! :D Yeah look, I know you have to play it safe and not upload too much copywritten material, but how seriously can I take such advice when there's people doing...
  8. Z

    FMVs from 3 & 4?

    "while the second, more desirable version, is a dual-sided, single-layer disc of the game with higher quality MPEG2 video and AC3 audio, which would obviously constitute a better source for a video project involving WC4 than the CD version." Aye I'll have to hunt it down. Thankye!
  9. Z

    FMVs from 3 & 4?

    Taboo, illegal, it's all the same to me :p
  10. Z

    FMVs from 3 & 4?

    Can anyone help me find the cutscenes for Wing Commander 3 & 4? It's a heck of an odd request I suppose, but I was never really very good at the game itself - I just love the cutscenes, and would quite like to edit them into something myself. Ehm, if this is a taboo request at this forum...