Recent content by Lin

  1. L

    Prophecy mission Ratings

    Well after P1 there's RF so the plot does continue.
  2. L


    Is writing a summary of func.def basically a programmers refrence?
  3. L

    WC's future, take 2

    Back to UE: Does anyone know what happened to UE files being released?
  4. L


    Well, here's the easiest way: turn off smart targeting, and go into the NAV map. Select target until you hit the 13th buoy (I think), that is the buoy you lock to and search.
  5. L

    Special Comms

    Extract language files (especially language\pilots\srs12.eng/ger/fre) from data.tre. You can then open up the string file with stred to see and modify the order and the text.
  6. L

    SO Screens

    Well, basically I want to change everything possible. Why? Well I like to personalize things that I use.
  7. L

    SO Fiction: Where can I get it?

    On the same line, is the Flash fiction still avaliable for viewing?
  8. L

    SO Screens

    How whould one change the splash screen and other screens, including the animated base screen with the Cerberus?
  9. L

    What's More Impressive?

    You all forget the best thign about WC4's StormFire: it fires through shields. In WCP, you have to go through the shields.