//лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл //лл лл //лл лл //лл DARKENING MISSION TEXT лл //лл лл //лл Issue 01 - 1/3/96 лл //лл лл //лл лл //лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл //лл лл //лл Copyright (C) 1996 Electronic Arts Manchester лл //лл лл //лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл //лл лл //лл MISSION6.TXT MARK GOLDSWORTHY //лл лл //лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл // // // // MISSION # 000A // Offer {PAGE} FROM: MEREDITH TEXTILES, LTD. {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} A rather large and valuable amount of Cerillian is to be transported from Ferix (NAV 125){CALCRANGE}{125} {RANGE} to Nav 142. It will need the utmost care, and we have decided that you are the right candidate for the assignment. She needs to reach Pletirat with her cargo intact. This is an extremely valuable cargo. Do not let us down, Ser Arris. // // Diary {PAGE} WORKING FOR: MEREDITH TEXTILES, LTD. {CR} {CR} Meet a cargo ship carrying Cerillian at Ferix (NAV 125){CALCRANGE}{125} {RANGE}, and escort her to NAV 142. // // Passed {PAGE} FROM: MEREDITH TEXTILES, LTD. {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} Your reward has been deposited, Ser Arris. You may hear from us again soon. // // Failed {PAGE} FROM: MEREDITH TEXTILES, LTD. {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} We are most displeased with your performance Ser Aris. Maybe next time we'll get in touch with your little sister, perhaps she could show you how it's done. // // // // MISSION # 000B // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 000C // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 000D // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // //---------------------------------------------------------- // // MISSION # 001A // Offer {PAGE} FROM: CIS Special Div.{CR} We have ourselves a major problem. {CR} {CR} The crew of the CIS Kaitlin have mutinied and jumped ship. Although the mutineers have not yet been located (believe me, they will be) the Kaitlin has. She is now stranded at Nav point 120{CALCRANGE}{120} {RANGE}. {CR} {CR} Two CIS Cruisers have been posted to oversee the recovery operation. However, no CIS fighter units are available at this time to help. We require a mercenary to help defend the carrier while the recovery units make their way to the Kaitlin. Let us stress that the Kaitlin is a very valuable piece of military hardware which must not fall into enemy hands. // // Diary {PAGE} WORKING FOR: CIS {CR} {CR} Help defend a CIS carrier at Nav 120{CALCRANGE}{120} {RANGE}. // // Passed {PAGE} FROM: CIS {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} The Kaitlin is still in one piece. The repair units should be arriving soon to begin their boarding operation. Losing her would have been disastrous. Good work pilot. // // Failed {PAGE} FROM: CIS {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} What an absolute screw up. I can't believe it. What were you thinking of? That carrier was a top of the line ship, Arris! You have no idea how much money and time it will cost to outfit another like her. The only virtue is that it cannot possibly fall into "enemy hands" now that it has been totally destroyed. // // // // MISSION # 001B // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 001C // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 001D // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // =============================================================== // // // MISSION # 002A // Offer {PAGE} FROM: MESSINEO COURIERS, LTD. {CR} {CR} There is an ex-mining base at Nav Point 225{CALCRANGE}{225} {RANGE} that contains extremely valuable information stored in a device independent from its main computer. The Kindred are after this information, but not to steal it, merely to destroy it. They have already tried swarming the base with infantry and engineers, but we repelled their attack taking Kindred prisoners as we went. We were hoping to use them as a human shield but they are only interested in their sole objective to blow up the entire station. Kindred ships are now massing at a nearby navpoint. Get to Nav point 225 A.S.A.P. and defend the base. // // Diary {PAGE} WORKING FOR: MESSINEO COURIERS, LTD.{CR} {CR} Protect a ex-mining base at 225{CALCRANGE}{225} {RANGE} from Kindred forces. Be aware of the Kindred using stolen craft. {CR} Destroy all Kindred forces and stolen ships. // // Passed {PAGE} FROM: MESSINEO COURIERS, LTD. {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} The information is safe for now, Ser Arris, and as they say on my homeworld, the sky is clear. We thank you for your efforts, and we will be sure to call upon you again. // // Failed {PAGE} FROM: MESSINEO COURIERS, LTD. {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} We were promised a great deal of money to see that the information was kept safe. Now thanks to your lack of skill, payment has not been received and we must cover the cost of replacing the station. This has been a bad day, Ser Arris. // // // // MISSION # 002B // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 002C // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 002D // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // //--------------------------------------------------- // MISSION # 003A // Offer {PAGE} FROM: CIS {CR} {CR} WANTED: Bounty hunters who can keep calm in the face of great odds! {CR} A bandit going by the name of Cravien Shard has been causing us untold problems. Intelligence informs us that Shard has been recruiting for a raiding party at {TOKEN}{RAND_NAV3} {RANGE}. Jump to {TOKEN}{RAND_NAV3} and erase all traces of Shard and his crew.{CR}Proceed with extreme caution. // // Diary {PAGE} WORKING FOR: CIS {CR} {CR} Kill Cravien Shard and his crew at {TOKEN}{RAND_NAV3} {RANGE}. Rumour has it Shard maybe using a stolen CIS ship. // // Passed {PAGE} FROM: CIS {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} We can't thank you enough, Ser Arris. You have rid us of a particularly inconvenient thorn in our side.{CR} Your payment has been deposited into your account. // // Failed {PAGE} FROM: CIS {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} It seems you are not equal to the job of eliminating Shard. We will find someone more capable for the task. // // // // MISSION # 003B // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 003C // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 003D // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // =============================================================== // // // MISSION # 004A // Offer {PAGE} FROM: CIS {CR} {CR} Rogue transport ships have left Anhur{CALCRANGE}{7} {RANGE} ferrying Humanist rebels. Normally the Humanists would not condescend to travelling in such vessels, but these Humanists are different. Some of them are infected with a terminal disease that is extremely contagious. These transports must be prevented from reaching populated areas. Single out and terminate any ships carrying these infected Humanists.{CR} The Humanists know of our intentions and will be prepared to defend themselves. // // Diary {PAGE} WORKING FOR: CIS {CR} {CR} Proceed to Nav point 7{CALCRANGE}{7} {RANGE}. Destroy any ship carrying infected Humanists.{CR} Do not destroy any other ship without permission. // // Passed {PAGE} FROM: CIS {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} The CIS now deem it necessary that the rest of the convoy at Nav 7 be destroyed. People who harbour criminals are not tolerated. {CR} Once the remaining ships are destroyed proceed to check out the rest of the convoy. The front of the convoy should be reaching Nav 12 soon. Good hunting. // // Failed {PAGE} FROM: CIS {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} Failing to check out that convoy will cost us Ser. Thanks for nothing. You may not hear from us again. // // // // MISSION # 004B // offer {PAGE} // {PAGE} WORKING FOR: CIS {CR} Continue on to Nav 12 and check out the rest of the convoy. // // {PAGE} FROM: CIS {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} Their deaths were unfortunate, but necessary.{CR} Again you now have the permission to terminate the rest of the convoy. Good work Ser, and good hunting. // FAILED // {PAGE} FROM: CIS {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} Failing to check out that convoy will cost us dearly Ser. Thanks for nothing. You may not hear from us again. // // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 004D // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // //--------------------------------------------------- // // MISSION # 005A // Offer {PAGE} FROM: SER RAGNAR DANNES {CR} TO: ML MERCENARY;ML ACE PILOTS {CR} {CR} Please help me! I was told that the pilots on these mailing lists were usually reliable, and at the very least would do anything for a buck. I need someone to save me from a rogue band of Papogod terrorists that I may have pissed off. {CR} I need to leave Crius and I fear they may be preparing to ambush me. {CR} You've seen the amount I'm offering. That will be paid to whoever goes to all four NAV points around Crius{CALCRANGE}{4} {RANGE} and kills any Papogod warships present. Please help, I'm desperate. // // Diary {PAGE} WORKING FOR: SER RAGNAR DANNES {CR} {CR} Patrol the four NAV points around Crius (NAV 4){CALCRANGE}{4} {RANGE}; {CR} including NAV POINTS 10, 18, 49, and 171. Destroy any Papogod forces you see. Also, as the Papogod's maybe planning a ground attack, be aware of any type of unidentified transports in the area. // // Passed {PAGE} FROM: SER RAGNAR DANNES {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} You have saved me. If I need you again, I will be sure to call. I've deposited your credits already. // // Failed {PAGE} FROM: SER RAGNAR DANNES {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} You are obviously as unreliable as the villains I asked you to eliminate. Thanks for nothing Ser. // // // // MISSION # 005B // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 005C // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 005D // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // =============================================================== // // // MISSION # 006A // Offer {PAGE} FROM: SERRA HELENA SHLEGEL {CR} TO: ML ACE PILOTS {CR} {CR} I am a humanist and normally would never stoop to using this technology, but currently I have no choice. I am being pursued by the Kiowan pirate clan for reasons I do not wish to divulge, and I would rather use the technology of your booth system than die. {CR} I understand there is a Kiowan fighter detachment somewhere near Anhur, my home. I need a daring and impartial pilot to check the immediate area around Anhur (NAV 7){CALCRANGE}{7} {RANGE} for these warships, and to destroy them if contact is made. My family is in danger. I need you to help me. // // Diary {PAGE} WORKING FOR: SERRA HELENA SHLEGEL {CR} {CR} Patrol the area around Anhur{CALCRANGE}{7} {RANGE} (including NAV POINTS 7, 12, 13, and 38) for a Kiowan fighter detachment and destroy them. Continue to check all NAV points for Kiowan presence. // // Passed {PAGE} FROM: SERRA HELENA SHLEGEL {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} Thanks for all your help Ser Arris. We may now continue our lives in peace. I'm an expert in Anhurian fatigue massage and hope that one day we may meet so that I may give you one. // // Failed {PAGE} FROM: SERRA HELENA SHLEGEL {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} Due to your carelessness my family are dead at the hands of pirates. This mistake may be your last. // // // // MISSION # 006B // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 006C // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 006D // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // //--------------------------------------------------- // // MISSION # 007A // Offer {PAGE} FROM: DAVIS & CO., ARMAMENTS AND SUPPLIES {CR} {CR} There is a cargo ship fully loaded with top secret nerve weapons which would spell disaster for our corporation if they were to get out in the open. We need an experienced escort pilot, and your name has been mentioned to us as a likely candidate to get the job done. We need the cargo delivered from Crius (NAV4){CALCRANGE}{4} {RANGE} to Karatikus (NAV 0), and, due to a security leak we are still attempting to uncover, this information is now known to a small number of Kiowan pirates.{CR} They will stop at nothing to get this cargo, so beware. // // // Diary {PAGE} WORKING FOR: DAVIS & CO., ARMAMENTS AND SUPPLIES {CR} {CR} A shipment of armaments needs to be escorted from Crius (NAV 4){CALCRANGE}{4} {RANGE} to Karatikus (NAV 0). Kiowan pirates will be after it, so look out for them. // // Passed {PAGE} FROM: DAVIS & CO., ARMAMENTS AND SUPPLIES {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} Thank you, Ser Arris. You have ensured that our technology remains in the proper hands. {CR} We've just received an emergency communication from the cargo ship Lubanna; it has been abandoned and left to the mercy of the Kiowan pirates. Luckily, the shipment made it to the space station Bestinium, and is now waiting for another escort. {CR} We need you to go to Bestinium (NAV 88) and escort our shipment to cargo station Lironas (NAV 133). {CR} {CR} The escorts had stupidly been paid in advance, and were most likely working for the Kiowans. If we receive word of their location, we'll give you a bonus for taking them out. // // // Failed {PAGE} FROM: DAVIS & CO., ARMAMENTS AND SUPPLIES {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} That shipment was very valuable to us and won't be replaced easily. You have let us down, Ser Arris. I trust it won't happen again. // // // // MISSION # 007B // Offer {PAGE} // // Diary {PAGE} WORKING FOR: DAVIS & CO., ARMAMENTS AND SUPPLIES {CR} {CR} Escort another shipment of arms from space station Bestinium (NAV 88) to space station Lironas (NAV 133). // // Passed {PAGE} FROM: DAVIS & CO., ARMAMENTS AND SUPPLIES {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} We owe you a debt of gratitude, Ser Arris. If we have any more missions, your name will be at the top of the list. Incidentally, we are prepared to offer you a bonus if you will travel to {TOKEN}{RAND_NAV1} {RANGE} and destroy the Kiowan escort we hired originally. // // Failed {PAGE} FROM: DAVIS & CO., ARMAMENTS AND SUPPLIES {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} I guess that cargo wasn't meant to reach its final destination. But that won't prevent me from ensuring that you never work for this company again, Ser Lev Arris! // // // // MISSION # 007C // Offer {PAGE} // // Diary {PAGE} WORKING FOR: DAVIS & CO., ARMAMENTS AND SUPPLIES {CR} Go to {TOKEN}{RAND_NAV1} {RANGE} and destroy the escort that abandoned the Lubanna arms shipment in mid-flight. // // Passed {PAGE} FROM: DAVIS & CO., ARMAMENTS AND SUPPLIES {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} Thanks for the extra help. Your credits have been deposited. // // Failed {PAGE} FROM: DAVIS & CO., ARMAMENTS AND SUPPLIES {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} Thanks for nothing Ser Arris. You won't hear from us again. // // // // MISSION # 007D // Offer {PAGE} // // Diary {PAGE} // // Passed {PAGE} FROM: DAVIS & CO., ARMAMENTS AND SUPPLIES {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} Thanks for the extra help. Your credits have been deposited. // // Failed {PAGE} FROM: DAVIS & CO., ARMAMENTS AND SUPPLIES {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} Thanks for nothing Ser Arris. You won't hear from us again. // // // =============================================================== // // // MISSION # 008A // Offer {PAGE} FROM: CIS FLYING SQUAD {CR} TO: ML. ACE PILOTS {CR} {CR} You've probably heard on the grapevine that we've got Ronula Smitts in custody, a former Kindred operative who is about to spill his guts on certain Kindred operations. He is currently in transit between Tersa (Nav 147){CALCRANGE}{147} {RANGE} and Hades (Nav 6) We need you to meet up with the transport at Nav 147 and escort him to Hades. {CR} The Kindred want this guy dead so keep your eyes open. // // Diary {PAGE} WORKING FOR: CIS FLYING SQUAD {CR} {CR} Escort a cargo ship transporting Ronula Smitts from space station Tersa (NAV 147){CALCRANGE}{147} {RANGE} to Hades (Nav 6). Watch out for the Kindred. // // Passed {PAGE} FROM: CIS FLYING SQUAD {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} You have no idea how valuable Smitts will be, Ser Arris. Your credits have been duly deposited. // // Failed {PAGE} FROM: CIS FLYING SQUAD {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} Ronula Smitts is dead?! This is an outrage Arris. {CR} Consider yourself off our ace list of pilots. // // // // MISSION # 008B // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 008C // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 008D // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // =============================================================== // // // MISSION # 009A // Offer {PAGE} FROM: CIS HEADQUARTERS {CR} TO: ML MERCENARIES {CR} {CR} We have a transport ship full of Kindred prisoners, destined for the super space station Curium (NAV 150) where they will be questioned. She had an escort, but as she neared the system jump point she was ambushed and her escort destroyed. She managed to make the jump, but now is on her own. Meet the transport ship at Nav Point 55 {CALCRANGE}{55} {RANGE}, and escort her to Curium (NAV 150).{CR} The Kindred are aware of her presence, and will stop at nothing to destroy her and all the prisoners. // // Diary {PAGE} WORKING FOR: CIS HEADQUARTERS {CR} {CR} Meet the transport ship at Nav Point 55 {CALCRANGE}{55} {RANGE}, and escort her to Curium (NAV 150). // // Passed {PAGE} FROM: CIS HEADQUARTERS {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} You have helped our cause a great deal, Ser Arris. The prisoners are in custody now and are awaiting interrogation. // // Failed {PAGE} FROM: CIS HEADQUARTERS {CR} TO: SER LEV ARRIS {CR} {CR} The prisoners are all dead, Ser Arris. They had information which we required. This is a major setback, and we can only hope to have such an opportunity again. You can cover your own expenses on this one. // // // // MISSION # 009B // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 009C // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // MISSION # 009D // {PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE}{PAGE} // // // ===============================================================