Sigma Wing (Bifrost System) (SM1)

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Sigma Wing
Fighter Rapier
Wingmen Michael Casey
Previous Theta Wing (Bifrost System)
Next Mu Wing (Valgard System)

Mission Layout


The Memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel Carl T. LaFong

Preflight Conversations

Talk to Shotglass:

You pilots really deserve a pat on the back. Getting that supply station was what everybody needed.
Have you looked around? Everyone's more alert...
...walking tall, looking good.
I think we were all half-dead until that station went up in flames.
Now... now, the pilots have hope. Hope that maybe we can win.
That's what they needed.

Talk to Bossman:

Maverick! Any bets on which one of us is going to bag the ship with the Kilrathi secret weapon?
That'll be something to have on your permanent record.
So-and-so of Tiger's Claw is credited with the kill...
... of the Kilrathi ship that destroyed Goddard Colony.'
I just hope that our boys in Tactical get a clean view on the kill.
I'd hate to ship with a carrier-load of pilots...
... all of whom think they'd put in the final missile.

Talk to Iceman:

Sit down, Maverick.
It's coming down to the wire.
The enemy fleet is going to head straight to us now, right into our trap.
I want that ship with the secret weapon, the one that destroyed Goddard.
If we're wingmates on the strike against that ship...
... don't get between me and her.
That ship is going down, no matter what.
No matter what.

Mission Briefing

Mission Debriefing