Psi Wing (Bifrost System)

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Psi Wing
Fighter Raptor
Wingmen James Taggart
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Mission Layout


The Memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel Carl T. LaFong

Preflight Conversations

Talk to Shotglass:

Major Good to see you.
I heard about the Gwenhyvar. I never believed that old story, either.
Anyhow, you heard the latest news? Grapevine says we lost sight of the enemy ships.
They're out there somewhere, and we can't find them.
We fly all this way into Kilrathi space, and lose so many people...
...and for what? There's no way we can afford to turn back now.
We'd better find those cats, kill them and get out of here fast---
---or we'll be as dead as my cousin, and the rest of the colonists on Goddard.

Talk to Hunter:

ello, mate. Seen enough action yet?


I was telling the Old Man here that Zeta Wing lost a couple pilots today.


One of them just went bonkers, flew right at a Fralthi---
And went up in an explosion that didn't even dent the side of that catbox lorry.
If we keep losing pilots, there won't be enough of us to fly...
...and then it'll be over.


And I was just tellin' this haggis-brained lad...
That there are a few pilots in our OWN squadron that need new pilots' suits.
Good white ones, with extra-long sleeves.

Talk to Paladin:

Good to see ye again, lad.
Listen, do us all a favor, would ye?
A lot of the pilots have been hearin' that we lost the Kilrathi fleet.
They're expectin' us to turn tail and run back for Terran space.
Some of 'em are tickled pink about it.
Some of 'em are thinking about proppin' a gun 'gainst their chin an' pulling the trigger.
You tell 'em it's all damned foolishness.
Colonel Halcyon is a very canny man, the best in the space navy.
If anyone can find the Kilrathi, he can.
So if anyone asks you, this is what you should tell them
This operation isn't over, and we haven't lost it yet.

Mission Briefing

Mission Debriefing