Delta Wing (Midgard System)

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Delta Wing
Fighter Scimitar
Wingmen Kien Chen
Previous Epsilon Wing 2 (Border Zone System) (SM1)
Next Gamma Wing (Midgard System)

Mission Layout


The Memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel Carl T. LaFong

Preflight Conversations

Talk to Shotglass:

What'll you have, Maverick? I'll set you up with your regular.
Scuttlebutt says that the furbags have a Terran ship with them.
I know the Kilrathi never take hostages... but maybe just this time...
No. Who am I kidding? They don't take prisoners. Ever.
My cousin Zach and his lady are dead as anyone on Goddard...
... and if the cats do have a captured Confederation ship...
You can be sure it's filled with cat food or something. Not prisoners.

Talk to Hunter:

G'day, Maverick. I was telling Mariko here how you flew against the furballs.
Hunter was indeed very complimentary of your flying skills.
I hope to fly with you again someday soon.
Speaking of flying with Maverick --
Christopher, if you get assigned Maniac, be bloody careful.
He's been running around the last few days with his head in the clouds.
Says he's going to take out the Kilrathi secret weapon that destroyed Goddard, all by himself.
I get the idea he's got some fantasy of going kamikaze...
... against the bleedin' Sons of Kilrah.
I don't want to see you flame out because of him. Be careful, right?

Talk to Spirit:

''Konnichi wa, Maverick-san.
I was listening to the newscast this morning.
It appears that there was a Kilrathi attack on Epsilon Station.
My fiance is stationed there...he is an officer in the Medical Corps.
I didn't know that, Mariko.
I rarely speak of him. It is better to concentrate on our work here.
For now, we must maintain communications silence, so I cannot find out what has happened.
But soon we will return to Terran space, and I will know.

Mission Briefing

Mission Debriefing