William Eisen

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William Eisen
Allegiance Terran Confederation, Union of Border Worlds
Rank Captain
Commands TCS Victory, TCS Lexington, BWS Intrepid, TCS Mount St. Helens

William Eisen was a prominent naval officer of the Terran Confederation who saw much action during the Terran-Kilrathi War.

Early Service

Little is known of Eisen's early days in the Confederation Space Navy. What is known is that he served as the communications officer of the famed TCS Victory during her maiden voyage. He also saw action during the Venice Offensive, during which the Kilrathi-controlled system of Venice fell, winning the Vega Sector for the human race. During this battle, he befriended Raul Dominguez, who would go on to become a Captain for the Union of Border Worlds.

Later Service

William Eisen steadily rose through the ranks as the war progressed, eventually securing the rank of Captain by the year 2669. During this year, he commanded the ship on which he began his career, the aging TCS Victory, which had been recommissioned due to the poor progression of the war and a shortage of fleet carriers.

A few months after the disastrous Battle of Earth in 2668, Colonel Christopher Blair was reassigned to the Victory following the loss of the TCS Concordia. Although Captain Eisen gave Colonel Blair a warm welcome, he harbored his doubts about the Colonel's ability to cooperate with his crew, as the Colonel was not used to assignments on obsolete vessels like the Victory. However, he agreed to the Colonel's request to reinstate his wartime friend Colonel Ralgha nar Hhallas to the flight roster, as the Colonel wished to fly with him when nobody else would. As the war progressed, Captain Eisen took note of the Colonel's extraordinary flying skills and his ability to fly with the other pilots without dispute, and grew to respect the Colonel as an equal.

Captain Eisen led his beloved ship during several major actions in the final year of the war. His vessel oversaw the first flying trials of the highly-advanced Excalibur Heavy Fighter in the Tamayo System, which ultimately saw unforeseen action for the first time during the failed Kilrathi invasion of Tamayo II. During this time, he had to deal with Academy hotshot Major Jace Dillon, who's ego and overconfidence disgusted the Captain. Eisen also assisted in the defense of Locanda IV, which was ultimately wiped clean of life due to a Kilrathi biological attack, prompting him to criticize the Colonel and also leading to the fall of Blackmane.

Eisen led the assault on the Ariel System, where his fleet attacked and badly crippled a Kilrathi garrison stationed there. Eventually, Eisen's fleet was commissioned by Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn to escort the TCS Behemoth to Kilrah, where the massive starship was to destroy the Kilrathi homeworld. During this time, Tolwyn briefly assumed command of the vessel, leaving Eisen without any command. He reassumed command following the loss of the Behemoth in the Loki System, and finally assisted in the deployment of the Temblor Bomb on Kilrah. It was this series of actions that eventually led to the destruction of Kilrah and the fall of the Kilrathi Empire.

Captain Eisen was present at the signing of the Treaty of Torgo in 2669, which officially ended the Terran-Kilrathi War. The Victory was shortly after deactivated and recommissioned as a museum ship. Eisen's exploits after the treaty's signing are unknown.

Service with the Border Worlds

By 2673, Eisen had assumed command of the TCS Lexington, a Concordia-Class Fleet Carrier. By this point, the Terran Confederation was at odds with the Union of Border Worlds, a Terran faction that had recently declared independence from the Confederation. Eisen and his vessel were ordered to embark to the Border Worlds in an attempt to investigate Border Worlds piracy against Confed on the frontier while attempting to restore order to the region. It was during this time that he reunited with former Victory comrades Colonel Blair, Major Todd Marshall, and Lieutenant Winston Chang. They worked towards restoring order on the frontier by driving away Border World raiders and seizing targets of strategic value, such as the Masa Space Station and Terran scientist Tuesday Brody from her captivity.

However, Eisen was up to more than his crew realized. Eisen secretly harbored suspicions that the conflict on the frontier was not the fault of the Border Worlds, but of elements operating within the Confederation. While appearing to be loyal to Confed, Eisen privately investigated the matter and even contacted his allies from the Border Worlds.

A number of Confederation officers caught on to Eisen's activities, and sought to silence him quietly. One such officer, Captain Hugh Paulson of the 3rd Fleet quickly assumed command of the Lexington, intending to execute Eisen when the right time came, as he was actually a covert operative for the Terran elements instigating the war. Eisen was to "transfer" immediately from the Lexington, while Paulson maintained command of the vessel. However, Eisen caught on to the conspiracy, and fled the Lexington with the intention to defect to the Border Worlds. Major Todd Marshall agreed to fly the Captain to the BWS Intrepid, which was commanded by Eisen's old comrade Captain Raul Dominguez. Paulson sent Colonel Blair and his wing to stop Eisen, only to see Blair defect alongside Lt. Chang and 2nd Lt. Troy Carter. The defectors fled to the Intrepid, and quickly fled Terran airspace.

Eisen arrived on the Intrepid only to discover that Captain Dominguez was killed in the pursuit, and most of the crew dead or wounded from Confed attack. Eisen assumed command of the vessel and informed Blair of his suspicions regarding Confed. Eisen led the effort to uncover Confed's role in the ensuing war, and eventually left the Intrepid to continue his investigation from within Confed, leaving Blair to command the Intrepid. Eisen's activities during this departure are unknown, but he was eventually successful in implicating the Black Lance, an illegal faction organized by Admiral Tolwyn, as the instigator in the war.

Blair eventually discovered the Black Lance's activities as well, and he raced to Earth to stop Confed from declaring war on the Border Worlds. Tolwyn pursued them on the TCS Vesuvius, but was stopped in his tracks by Eisen, who, alongside his allies, commandeered the TCS Mount St. Helens and attacked Tolwyn. The two sides raced to Earth where Eisen and Blair worked together to stop Tolwyn from declaring war. Their efforts were eventually successful in exposing the conspiracy, and the Senate rejected the war declaration. Eisen was one of many witnesses to testify at Tolwyn's military tribunal, which saw the Admiral stripped of rank and sentenced to death.

Eisen's life after the conflict is not well-known. However, it is presumed that he died by the year 2681, as the Vesuvius-Class Heavy Carrier TCS Eisen is named in his honor.

Behind the Scenes

  • William Eisen was portrayed by the late African-American actor Jason Bernard.