SC 1200C

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SC 1200C
SC 1200C.png
Production Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Type Plot
Series D - Silenos
Disc CD2 (PC), CD2 (PSX), Side A (DVD)
Run Time 52s
Previous SC_1200A or SC_1200B
Scenes 110
Locations Shuttle

SC_1200C is a cutscene from Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom. It plays after SC_1200A or SC_1200B. The German versions of the game play an edited version, SC_1200D.


CAPTAIN HUGH PAULSON: Oh, my God! What a disaster!

SEETHER: Your first mistake was in not killing him right away.

CAPTAIN HUGH PAULSON: �Who? Eisen, or the Colonel?

SEETHER: Take your pick.

CAPTAIN HUGH PAULSON: �What's going to happen now?

SEETHER: That's a good question, Captain. First of all, you're going to get reassigned. Then, I'm going to continue my plans -- with the added pleasure of killing 'The Heart of the Tiger'. What are you looking at, soldier? Just fly the vehicle.






The DVD Version of Wing Commander IV includes much higher resolution versions of almost every cutscene from the CD-ROM release.



Wing Commander IV's cutscenes were dubbed for the French and German releases.








Shooting Script

A Wing Commander IV shooting script has been digitized from the collection of the University of Texas at Austin. A digital version (extracted below) was posted to Origin's Wing Commander IV website in 1996.

midgame: inside the shuttle -e1 Captain paulsen FRETS with worry. SITTING NEXT TO HIM, Seether stares out the window with those icy eyes -- the personification of CONTROLLED rage.

paulsen ... My god, what a disaster. What a debacle--

Seether Stop your whining. (beat) Your mistake was in not killing him right away.

paulsen Eisen? Or the Colonel?

Seether Take your pick.

paulsen What's going to happen now?

Seether (beat) You're getting reassigned --

with blinding speed, seether whips out the laser-blade we (may) have seen before and lashes out at paulsen's throat -- slicing open his jugular...

paulsen gasps. tries to stop the flow of blood with his hands. tries to speak. only gurgles. then slumps to the floor.

seether looks down at the lifeless body...

Seether And I'm going to carry on with my plans...

a smirk-from-hell crawls across his face.

seether ...With the added pleasure of killing The Heart of the Tiger. ÿ dissolve to:ÿÿ


A collection of Wing Commander IV storyboards has been digitized from the collection of the University of Texas at Austin. Additional lower resolution storyboards have been preserved from Origin's Wing Commander IV website.

Origin Website

Shooting Schedule

A Wing Commander IV production notebook has been digitized from the collection of the University of Texas at Austin.