SC 1270B

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SC 1270B
SC 1270B.png
Production Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Type Plot
Series E - Orestes
Disc CD2-3 (PC), CD2-3 (PSX), Both Sides (DVD)
Run Time 1m11s
Previous SC_1270A
Choice A This thing could be very useful...
Choice B I can't trust this guy.
Scenes 127
Locations Hangar Bay

SC_1270B is a cutscene from Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom. It plays after 1270_A when it is viewed in Series E.

Choice A: This thing could be very useful...
Choice B: I can't trust this guy.


CHIEF TECH ROBERT "PLIERS" SYKES: Lemme show you somethin' else. You know how the Kilrathi always had us beat on cloakin', right... then along came the Excalibur? Course I never got my hands on one of those. But I've been puttin' two 'n' two together in my leisure time, and I came up with this little thing. Now, it won't give ya a complete cloak but it should be pretty effective at hidin' you from their radar.


CHIEF TECH ROBERT "PLIERS" SYKES: Well, nothin's perfect, right? Number one: It runs on a very rare crystal. It's got a short half life, so it could burn up pretty quick. That means you might come uncloaked at, shall we say, a potentially inconvenient time.


CHIEF TECH ROBERT "PLIERS" SYKES: Uh, number two... I only got one of 'em. And a wingman who ain't cloaked won't do ya much good. So if ya wanna use it, you gotta fly solo.




The DVD Version of Wing Commander IV includes much higher resolution versions of almost every cutscene from the CD-ROM release.



Wing Commander IV's cutscenes were dubbed for the French and German releases.



Choice A: Ce machin pourrait être très utile.
Choice B: Je lui fais pas confiance.




Choice A: Dieses Ding könnte sehr hilfreich sein.
Choice B: Ich kann diesem Typ nicht vertrauen.



Shooting Script

A Wing Commander IV shooting script has been digitized from the collection of the University of Texas at Austin. A digital version (extracted below) was posted to Origin's Wing Commander IV website in 1996.

Part B.

pliers Lemme show you something else.

he leads blair to a corner and proudly displays a contraption that resembles a world war II radio rig -- about the ungainliest thing you've ever seen, all wires and solder patches.

pliers Kilrathi always had us beat on cloaking, right? Then along came the Excalibur, but I never got my hands on one of them. So I been puttin' two'n'two together in my 'leisure time' and ... (proudly) ...came up with this little thing.

blair raises an eyebrow -- little's in the eye of the beholder...

pliers It won't give ya a complete cloak but should be pretty effective at hiding you from their radar.

blair Any downside?

pliers shrugs and grins.

pliers Well ... nothin's perfect, right? Number one: It runs on a very rare crystal ... with a short half-life, so it can burn up fast. That means you might uncloak at a -- shall we say -- 'potentially inconvenient' time.

Blair (frowning) And number two?

pliers I only got one -- and a wingman who ain't cloaked won't do ya much good -- so if ya wanna use it, you gotta fly solo.