SC 3510J

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SC 3510J
SC 3510J.png
Production Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Type Plot
Series O - Sol
Disc CD6 (PC), CD4 (PSX), Side B (DVD)
Run Time 15s
Previous SC_3510H or SC_3510I
Choice A He'll trip himself up.
Choice B He's mad with power.
Scenes 354
Locations The Great Assembly

SC_3510J is a cutscene from Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom. It is the continuation of Sol O2. It follows SC_3510H or SC_3510I.

Choice A: He'll trip himself up.
Choice B: He's mad with power.


COLONEL CHRISTOPHER BLAIR: Law and order. Control. Maintaining the status quo. That's what this is all about. Harmony among men is a secondary issue.

ADMIRAL TOLWYN: Harmony is maintained through control.





The DVD Version of Wing Commander IV includes much higher resolution versions of almost every cutscene from the CD-ROM release.



Wing Commander IV's cutscenes were dubbed for the French and German releases.



Choice A: Il va s'enfoncer tout seul.
Choice B: Il est assoiffé de pouvoir !




Choice A: Er wird sich selbst verraten.
Choice B: Er ist machtgierig.



Shooting Script

A Wing Commander IV shooting script has been digitized from the collection of the University of Texas at Austin. A digital version (extracted below) was posted to Origin's Wing Commander IV website in 1996.

Blair turns to the assembly.

Blair 'Law and order.' Control. Maintaining the status quo. That's what this is about. (beat) Harmony among men is a secondary issue.

Tolwyn Harmony is maintained through control.

Blair must CHOOSE...

Shooting Schedule

A Wing Commander IV production notebook has been digitized from the collection of the University of Texas at Austin.