Wing Commander IV Communications - Series D

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom communications associated with Series D.

Silenos D1

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IF0930.mp4 Sosa Hey, nice work, Colonel. First lieutenant Velina Sosa -- I run the 'switchboard' here. And you... are clear to land.

Silenos D2

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IF1060.mp4 Sosa OK. Great work, Colonel, but there's been a change of plans: We've discovered a 'back door' jump point that'll be easier for Intrepid to navigate in her current condition. So, you have clearance.
IF1070.mp4 Sosa Ok. Doesn't look like the Lexington's going to go away quietly, Colonel You have clearance. Captain Eisen's decided to try getting through another jump point.

Silenos D3

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IF1120.mp4 Eisen Don't get sentimental on me, Colonel. You know what you have to do. If Lexington gets that jump point before we do... it's all over for us.
IF1130.mp4 Sosa All I can say is we're lucky to have you on our side, Colonel. You're clear to land and you better make it quick, we can't wait to leave this system in our stellar dust.