Wing Commander IV Communications - BWS Intrepid

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom communications associated with the BWS Intrepid.

Video Loops

Download: BW.mp4



Speech Download Purpose Transcript
IF9400.mp4 Affirmative You got it, sir.
IF9401.mp4 Negative That's a negative, sir.
IF9402.mp4 Enemy Sighted We've got company -- and they don't look friendly.
IF9403.mp4 Requesting Assistance Sir! Enemies swarming all over us!
IF9404.mp4 KIA Mayday! Mayday! Situation critical! We require assistance!
IF9405.mp4 No Damage Yes! We are sittin' pretty, sir.
IF9406.mp4 Slight Damage Well, we've got a scratch or two.
IF9407.mp4 Moderate Damage Sir, damage is building up. We may need help.
IF9408.mp4 Severe Damage A..a..approach...approaching critical, sir. We're in deep trouble here.
IF9409.mp4 Capital Ship Kill Yes! Whooo! Bye bye, big boy! ha ha ha ha!
IF9410.mp4 Fighter Kill Target demolished!
IF9411.mp4 Requesting Autopilot Link We need an autopilot link-up, sir.
IF9412.mp4 Autopilot Link OK, we got a firm link-up, Colonel.
IF9413.mp4 Mission Complete Mission accomplished. Bring it on home.


Speech Download Purpose Transcript
IF7450.mp4 Treason Sosa: No can do, sir. Eisen: You may have changed sides, Colonel. Eisen: But the proper code of conduct while piloting remains enforced. Eisen: There's no room on this ship for a man who fires on his own.
IF7460.mp4 Treason Sosa: Not a chance, Colonel. Sosa: We may not be a fully organized force, Sosa: but we still fly with a code of conduct. Pliers: Guess you don't know what side you're on kid. Pliers: But we don't need your kind around here.


Speech Download Purpose Transcript
GDEADINT0002.wav Losing Endgame Mayday!! Mayday!! BWS Intrepid under attack, we require assistance!
DEADINTR0001.wav Losing Endgame Mayday! Mayday! Situation critical! We require assistance!
IF3820.mp4 Losing Endgame Mayday!! Mayday!! BWS Intrepid under attack, we require assistance!


Shooting Script

A Wing Commander IV shooting script has been digitized from the collection of the University of Texas at Austin. A digital version (extracted below) was posted to Origin's Wing Commander IV website in 1996.