Wing Commander IV Communications - Cut Videos

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom communications videos which are present in the game's files but do not have audio.

Speech Download Speaker Transcript
IF2544y.mp4 Sosa Those codes can be very helpful, Colonel.
IF2545y.mp4 Sosa Activate IFF codes, Colonel.
IF2961g.mp4 Tex & Sosa Tex: Time for you to make the jump, Colonel. Tex: You're on your own now. Good luck. Sosa: Hold on...hold it...hold it... hold it... sir - before you jump, Sosa: I'm downloading coordinates to you for a starbase we've located Sosa: orbiting the second planet in Axius. Sosa: Now we've just detected it through the jump point and one thing for sure: Sosa: This thing is way too big for you to try and take on by yourself. Sosa: So we are assuming you'll be attempting to slip in quietly Sosa: without opening fire and land there. Good luck, Colonel.
IF2961l.mp4 Excell & Sosa Excel: Time for you to make the jump, Colonel. Excel: You're on your own now. Good luck. Sosa: Hold on...hold it...hold it... hold it... sir - before you jump, Sosa: I'm downloading coordinates to you for a starbase we've located Sosa: orbiting the second planet in Axius. Sosa: Now we've just detected it through the jump point and one thing for sure: Sosa: This thing is way too big for you to try and take on by yourself. Sosa: So we are assuming you'll be attempting to slip in quietly Sosa: without opening fire and land there. Good luck, Colonel.
IF9414.mp4 Sosa Oh, sir! I got some good news and some bad news: The good news is; we scooped up Maniac. The bad news is; we scooped up Maniac.
IF9415.mp4 Sosa And -- happy to report we've recovered Vagabond's pod, sir. �He lives to play another hand.
IF9416.mp4 Sosa Also -- not to worry about Catscratch: We've just pulled in his ejection pod.
IF9417.mp4 Sosa By the way -- Hawk's ejection pod has been recovered.
IF9418.mp4 Sosa Don't worry -- we've just tractored Panther back in.
IF9419.mp4 Sosa Also, sir -- we have just retrieved your wingman's ejection pod.
IF9420.mp4 Sosa Happy to say sir, we've recovered all your wingmen. Must've been rough out there.
IF9421.mp4 Sosa It's the only way to fly!
IF9422.mp4 Sosa I'd rather be back at my Comm desk,sir.
IF9423.mp4 Sosa Ready to launch, sir.
IF9424.mp4 Sosa Hold on, sir.... Not ready to launch, sir.
IF9500.mp4 Dekker You got it, boss.
IF9501.mp4 Dekker No way, Colonel.