Wing Commander IV Communications - TCS Lexington

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom communications associated with the TCS Lexington.



Speech Download Purpose Transcript
IF9300.mp4 Affirmative Affirmative, Colonel.
IF9301.mp4 Negative Negative, sir.
IF9302.mp4 Enemy Sighted Enemy incoming.
IF9303.mp4 Requesting Assistance TCS Lexington requests assistance.
IF9304.mp4 KIA Mayday! Lexington situation critical. Mayday! Mayday! Mayday...
IF9305.mp4 No Damage No damage to report.
IF9306.mp4 Slight Damage Minor damage, sir.
IF9307.mp4 Moderate Damage We've sustained some critical damage.
IF9308.mp4 Severe Damage We've sustained major damage.
IF9309.mp4 Capital Ship Kill Enemy capital ship destroyed.
IF9310.mp4 Fighter Kill Enemy target destroyed.
IF9311.mp4 Requesting Autopilot Link Need autopilot link, Colonel.
IF9312.mp4 Autopilot Link Autopilot link confirmed, Colonel.
IF9313.mp4 Mission Complete Mission accomplished.
IF9314.mp4 Maniac Rescued Major Marshall's ejection pod has been retrieved.
IF9315.mp4 Vagabond Rescued Lieutenant Chang has been tractored aboard.
IF9316.mp4 Catscratch Rescued We have retrieved Lieutenant Carter's pod.
IF9317.mp4 Wingman Rescued We have recovered your wingman's ejection pod.
IF9318.mp4 Wingmen Rescued We have tractored in all ejected wingman.


Speech Download Purpose Transcript
IF7430.mp4 Treason Naismith: That's a negative, sir. Eisen: Confed has a code of stellar flight, Colonel. Eisen: There's no place on my ship for a pilot who fires on one of his own.
IF7440.mp4 Treason Naismith: Not likely, sir. Paulsen: Confederation pilots operate under a code of conduct, Colonel. Paulsen: A code which you have broken. There's no room on this ship for traitors.