Wing Commander IV Communications - Confederation Capital Ships

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom communications associated with Border Worlds capital ships.

Video Loops

Download: CF.mp4


Communications Officer 2 (Version 1)

Speech Download Purpose Transcript
GCFCAP10000.wav Greeting Greetings, Colonel.
GCFCAP10001.wav Requesting Assistance We need assistance, Colonel!
GCFCAP10002.wav KIA Mayday!! Mayday!!
GCFCAP10003.wav No Damage No damage, sir.
GCFCAP10004.wav Slight Damage We've taken some hits, Colonel.
GCFCAP10005.wav Moderate Damage Half our systems are down, Colonel.
GCFCAP10006.wav Severe Damage Our situation is critical, Colonel!
GCFCAP10007.wav Scored Kill Target engaged and destroyed.
GCFCAP10008.wav Requesting Autopilot Link Requesting autopilot link, sir.
GCFCAP10009.wav Autopilot Link Link established. Entering escort pattern.
GCFCAP10010.wav Mission Complete Thanks for the cover, Colonel.

Communications Officer 3

Speech Download Purpose Transcript
GCFCAP20000.wav Greeting Thanks for the escort, Colonel.
GCFCAP20001.wav Requesting Assistance We could sure use some help up here, sir.
GCFCAP20002.wav KIA Oh no! We've had it! Going down!
GCFCAP20003.wav No Damage We got a clean ship, sir.
GCFCAP20004.wav Slight Damage We've taken a few hits, sir.
GCFCAP20005.wav Moderate Damage Getting pretty banged up, Colonel.
GCFCAP20006.wav Severe Damage We're in bad shape here, sir!
GCFCAP20007.wav Scored Kill Target eliminated.
GCFCAP20008.wav Requesting Autopilot Link Need to establish link for autopilot, Colonel.
GCFCAP20009.wav Autopilot Link Link-up confirmed. Proceed with autopilot.
GCFCAP20010.wav Mission Complete Thanks for the escort, Colonel.

Communications Officer 4

Speech Download Purpose Transcript
GCFCAP30000.wav Greeting Hello there, Colonel.
GCFCAP30001.wav Requesting Assistance We could use some help, Colonel.
GCFCAP30002.wav KIA That's all she wrote for us! We're going down!
GCFCAP30003.wav No Damage We couldn't be better.
GCFCAP30004.wav Slight Damage Slight damage. No problem.
GCFCAP30005.wav Moderate Damage We're bruised... but still cruising.
GCFCAP30006.wav Severe Damage A few more hits and we're done for!
GCFCAP30007.wav Scored Kill Bogie wiped her off the screens!
GCFCAP30008.wav Requesting Autopilot Link Looking for a link confirmation, sir.
GCFCAP30009.wav Autopilot Link Link-up established. Drop into escort pattern.
GCFCAP30010.wav Mission Complete Thanks for looking out for us, Colonel.

Communications Officer 1

Speech Download Purpose Transcript
GCFCAP40000.wav Greeting Greetings, Colonel.
GCFCAP40001.wav Requesting Assistance We need assistance, Colonel!
GCFCAP40002.wav KIA Mayday!! Mayday!!
GCFCAP40003.wav No Damage No damage, sir.
GCFCAP40004.wav Slight Damage We've taken some hits, Colonel.
GCFCAP40005.wav Moderate Damage Half our systems are down, Colonel.
GCFCAP40006.wav Severe Damage Our situation is critical, Colonel!
GCFCAP40007.wav Scored Kill Target engaged and destroyed.
GCFCAP40008.wav Requesting Autopilot Link Requesting autopilot link, sir.
GCFCAP40009.wav Autopilot Link Link established. Entering escort pattern.
GCFCAP40010.wav Mission Complete Thanks for the escort, Colonel.

Communications Officer 2 (Version 2)

Speech Download Purpose Transcript
GCFCAP50000.wav Greeting Greetings, Colonel.
GCFCAP50001.wav Requesting Assistance We need assistance, Colonel!
GCFCAP50002.wav KIA Mayday!! Mayday!!
GCFCAP50003.wav No Damage No damage, sir.
GCFCAP50004.wav Slight Damage We've taken some hits, Colonel.
GCFCAP50005.wav Moderate Damage Half our systems are down, Colonel.
GCFCAP50006.wav Severe Damage Our situation is critical, Colonel!
GCFCAP50007.wav Scored Kill Target engaged and destroyed.
GCFCAP50008.wav Requesting Autopilot Link Requesting autopilot link, sir.
GCFCAP50009.wav Autopilot Link Link established. Entering escort pattern.
GCFCAP50010.wav Mission Complete Thanks for the cover, Colonel.