Wing Commander IV Communications - Vagabond

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom communications associated with Vagabond.

Video Loops

Download: IFVA_1.mp4

Download: IFVA_2.mp4

Download: IFVA_7.mp4



Speech Download Purpose Transcript
VAGABOND0000.wav Affirmative That's a ten-four, partner.
VAGABOND0001.wav Negative Not possible, good buddy.
VAGABOND0002.wav Waypoint Clear Looks like no one got our invitation...
VAGABOND0003.wav Enemy Near We got some incoming...
VAGABOND0004.wav Enemy Near We got lots of company, partner.
VAGABOND0005.wav Ready to Engage Just say go, good buddy.
VAGABOND0006.wav Engaging Time to earn my pay.
VAGABOND0007.wav Taunt Huh, huh!..Ride 'em, cowboy!
VAGABOND0008.wav Player Kill Haven't lost your touch, Colonel.
VAGABOND0009.wav Requesting Assistance Wouldn't mind a little help, Colonel.
VAGABOND0010.wav Preparing to Retreat Ya gotta know when to fold, good buddy -- and now's the time.
VAGABOND0011.wav Retreating Time for me to cash in. Aborting mission, Colonel.
VAGABOND0012.wav Ejecting Sorry partner, but I gotta blow the hatch and bail.
VAGABOND0013.wav No Damage Ain't got a care in the world, good buddy.
VAGABOND0014.wav Slight Damage Just a few dings. Nothin' to worry about.
VAGABOND0015.wav Moderate Damage I've got some problems.
VAGABOND0016.wav Severe Damage This ship's just about totaled!
VAGABOND0017.wav Fighter Kill I nailed that one!
VAGABOND0018.wav Capital Ship Kill Do I get extra points for cap ships?!
VAGABOND0019.wav Friendly Fire Careful there, buddy.
VAGABOND0020.wav Friendly Fire Hey! Ain't we friends anymore?!
VAGABOND0021.wav Treason No more, Colonel! I'm cashing you in.
VAGABOND0022.wav Mission Complete All done here. Let's mosey on home.
W2VAGABO0000.wav Launch Second wing heading out, Colonel.

Second Wing
