Wing Commander IV Communications - Maniac

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom communications associated with Maniac.

Video Loops

Download: IFMA_2.mp4

Download: IFMA_3.mp4

Download: IFMA_5.mp4

Download: IFMA_6.mp4

Download: IFMA_10.mp4


High Morale

Speech Download Purpose Transcript
MANIAC0000.wav Affirmative Roger that, Colonel.
MANIAC0001.wav Negative That's a negatory, ace.
MANIAC0002.wav Waypoint Clear Looks like nobody's around, ace.
MANIAC0003.wav Enemy Near There's a few bad guys!
MANIAC0004.wav Enemy Near Incoming!
MANIAC0005.wav Ready to Engage Ho! Ho! Turn me loose, Colonel. This is what I live for!
MANIAC0006.wav Engaging They're gonna wish they were never born.
MANIAC0007.wav Taunt Yaaahoooo!
MANIAC0008.wav Player Kill Can't fly? Must die!
MANIAC0009.wav Requesting Assistance Not bad...for a dinosaur.
MANIAC0010.wav Preparing to Retreat Try backing me up, old timer.
MANIAC0011.wav Retreating I think it's time to pull the plug on this one.
MANIAC0012.wav Ejecting See ya back at the ranch, Colonel.
MANIAC0013.wav KIA I'm worth more than this tin can. I'm ejecting.
MANIAC0014.wav No Damage I'm looking fine, as usual.
MANIAC0015.wav Slight Damage They got lucky with a couple shots. No biggy.
MANIAC0016.wav Moderate Damage I got a few more dents than I'd like.
MANIAC0017.wav Severe Damage Mucho damage, ace. Anybody but me would've bailed by now.
MANIAC0018.wav Fighter Kill Just smoked another one. Man, I'm good!
MANIAC0019.wav Capital Ship Kill Yeah! Nothing escapes the Maniac-touch!
MANIAC0020.wav Friendly Fire The old timer losing his eyesight? �Can't you see I'm a good guy?
MANIAC0021.wav Friendly Fire Do that again and you're history, Colonel.
MANIAC0022.wav Treason That's it! Maniac's taking you out!
MANIAC0023.wav Mission Complete This one's in the books. Let's head home.

Low Morale

Speech Download Purpose Transcript
MANIAC20000.wav Affirmative Whatever you say, Colonel.
MANIAC20001.wav Negative No can do, Colonel.
MANIAC20002.wav Waypoint Clear Looks like nobody's around, ace.
MANIAC20003.wav Enemy Near Oooh, look what I see!
MANIAC20004.wav Enemy Near Big time enemy presence, ace.
MANIAC20005.wav Ready to Engage Ready to strut my stuff.
MANIAC20006.wav Engaging Gonna give 'em some Maniac-magic.
MANIAC20007.wav Taunt Yeeehaw!
MANIAC20008.wav Player Kill Pretty good shooting. For a farmer.
MANIAC20009.wav Requesting Assistance Whoaa! Taking a break, ace? I need some help here.
MANIAC20010.wav Preparing to Retreat �We can't win this one, ace.
MANIAC20011.wav Retreating It ain't worth it. I'm outta here.
MANIAC20012.wav Ejecting I'm popping the top, Colonel. Good luck.
MANIAC20013.wav No Damage What are you? My mother?
MANIAC20014.wav Slight Damage I took a few hits. A lesser pilot would be sweating.
MANIAC20015.wav Moderate Damage Put it this way. The Chief Tech's gonna be pissed.
MANIAC20016.wav Severe Damage Ha, I'm flyin' spare parts!
MANIAC20017.wav Fighter Kill Chalk up another for the Maniac!
MANIAC20018.wav Capital Ship Kill Extra credit for the Maniac!
MANIAC20019.wav Friendly Fire Hey! Watch your fire, old timer.
MANIAC20020.wav Friendly Fire I'm warning you, ace! Fire on me again and you'll pay.
MANIAC20021.wav Treason Try this on for size, Colonel!
MANIAC20022.wav Mission Complete Another mission -- another display of Maniac-prowess.

Second Wing

Speech Download Purpose Transcript
W2MANIAC0000.wav Launch Wing 2 heading for target.
W2MANIAC0001.wav Standing By Second wing -- aah! -- awaiting orders, Colonel!
W2MANIAC0002.wav Engaging Enemy Wing 2 engaging enemy, sir.
W2MANIAC0003.wav Continuing Mission Happy to report that second wing is on track.
W2MANIAC0004.wav Under Attack Wing 2 reporting: it's pretty hairy over here!
W2MANIAC0005.wav Wingman KIA Second Wing here: we've lost a wingman.
W2MANIAC0006.wav Under Attack Second Wing reporting: we've in deep trouble here.
W2MANIAC0007.wav Retreating Second Wing aborting mission.
W2MANIAC0008.wav Mission Complete Chalk one up for Wing 2. Mission success.
W2MANIAC0009.wav Mission Failed Second Wing screwed up, sir.
W2MANIAC0010.wav Returning to Base Second Wing heading home. We're done here.