Wing Commander Prophecy Communications - Casey

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This page collects all of the Wing Commander Prophecy communications associated with Casey with the exception of mission-specific messages which are listed with their series.


00740000.wav Break and Attack Break and attack.
00740001.wav Break and Attack All craft, break and attack.
00740002.wav Break and Attack This is it! Let's go get them, pilots!
00740003.wav Break and Attack Break formation and engage the enemy.
00740004.wav Break and Attack You're cleared to attack.
00740005.wav Attack my Target All pilots: weapons free. Go get 'em!
00740006.wav Attack my Target Attack my target.
00740007.wav Attack my Target Give me a hand with this target.
00740008.wav Attack my Target Transmitting targeting data. Switch to my target.
00740009.wav Attack my Target Coordinate your attacks on this target.
00740010.wav Form on My Wing Form on my wing.
00740011.wav Form on My Wing Pilots, we are now at weapons hold. Form up.
00740012.wav Return to Base Return to the Midway.
00740013.wav Return to Base Break off your engagements and return to base.
00740014.wav Request Status What's your status?
00740015.wav Request Status Give me a status report.
00740016.wav Taunt You're dead meat.
00740017.wav Taunt Let's see how tough you bugs are.
00740018.wav Taunt You can't touch me, roach!
00740019.wav Taunt It's your turn to be vaporized, bug.
00740020.wav Taunt I thought you guys were tough!
00740021.wav Taunt Say good night, bug!
00740022.wav Taunt I'm not scared of you, pipsqueak. Come at me!
00740023.wav Taunt Kiss your little tentacles goodbye, creep!
00740024.wav Taunt Prepare to be exterminated, roach!
00740025.wav Taunt Looking for a real warrior? Try me.
00740026.wav Taunt Test THIS, insect!
00740027.wav Requesting Assistance Somebody give me a hand here!
00740028.wav Requesting Assistance I need help!
00740029.wav Requesting Assistance Get this guy off of me!
00740030.wav Requesting Assistance I can't shake this bug!
00740031.wav Landing Clearance Need clearance, Midway.
00740032.wav Landing Clearance This is Casey. I'm ready to come home.
00740033.wav Landing Clearance Alpha One requesting landing clearance.
00740034.wav Radio Silence All pilots: stay off the comm.
00740035.wav Radio Silence I want complete radio silence from here on out.
00740036.wav Lift Radio Silence All pilots: you are free to resume normal comm operation.
00740037.wav Lift Radio Silence All pilots: lift radio silence.
00740038.wav Mission Accomplished Mission accomplished.
00740039.wav Mission Failed Mission failed.