The Terran Knowledge Bank
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  • The Tiger's Claw arrives in the Bifrost System. Intel speculates that the Kilrathi strike force is retreating to a supply depot in the system for refueling, with reinforcements arriving in the form of at least two Fralthi-Class Cruisers and Ralari-Class Destroyer escorts; the Claw is ordered to locate and destroy the depot. Psi Wing is deployed to scout ahead of the Claw, flown by Maverick and James "Paladin" Taggart.
  • During the mission, Psi Wing encounters an unknown Kilrathi warship, and are forced to break off the assault in the face of heavy opposition.


  • The Tiger's Claw locates the enemy depot. Theta Wing is launched to destroy the depot and any outlying Kilrathi forces; the mission is flown by Maverick and Paladin. They succeed in destroying the depot and a Lumbari-Class Transport.


  • The Tiger's Claw intercepts a Kilrathi courier ship carrying vital intelligence on Kilrathi activities in the Vega Sector.
  • The Killer Bees Squadron identifies the Kilrathi warship carrying the superweapon that destroyed Goddard; it is codenamed the KIS Sivar after the Kilrathi war god.
  • Sigma Wing, flown by Maverick and Michael "Iceman" Casey, is the first of several rotational patrols sent out to scout Bifrost for any remaining Kilrathi forces attached to the Sivar and her task force; the Terrans maintain full radio silence with the Kilrathi to avoid detection. Maverick and Iceman succeed in destroying two tankers, a Ralari, and a Fralthi during their patrol.


  • The Tiger's Claw arrives in the Valgard System. Mu Wing is launched to eradicate any of Kilrathi forces defending the Sivar, flown by Maverick and Iceman. They succeed in destroying several tankers before they are able to refuel the Sivar. They then destroy a Ralari and a pair of Fralthi while en route to the Tiger's Claw.


  • Mu Wing, flown by Maverick and Iceman, is launched once again to destroy Kilrathi stragglers attempting to locate the destroyed supply depot.


  • The Tiger's Claw tracks the Sivar and its strike force to the Vigrid System, but their presence is discovered by the Kilrathi. Omicron Wing is launched to intercept a Ralari en route to destroy the Claw; the mission is flown by Maverick and Joseph "Knight" Khumalo.
  • The Claw launches all remaining wings to eliminate the remnants of the Sivar strike fleet. Maverick and Knight fly Omega Wing to destroy any Kilrathi stragglers; they destroy a Fralthi-Class Cruiser and encounter the Sivar itself, badly underpowered. After a concentrated assault, Maverick and Knight destroy the Sivar, along with the Kilrathi superweapon.
  • The Tiger's Claw, having completed its mission, returns to Terran airspace; Operation Thor's Hammer concludes.
  • All knowledge pertaining to the Kilrathi superweapon is lost.


  • Crown Prince Gilkarg nar Kiranka is brought before his father, the Kilrathi Emperor, to face the consequences for his failure to ensure the safety of the Sivar and its superweapon; he is executed by means of disintegration.