GamesMaster Privateer 2: The Darkening featurette

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GamesMaster Privateer 2: The Darkening featurette
GamesMaster Feature Privateer 2 The Darkening.png
Production Privateer 2: The Darkening
Type Behind the Scenes
Run Time 3m01s
Date November 7 1996

GamesMaster Privateer 2: The Darkening featurette is a featurette about the making of Privateer 2: The Darkening that was broadcast as part of GamesMaster on November 7 1996.


HOST: These exclusive shorts of me redecorating my house are actually the latest multi-million pound interactive movie extravaganza trying to prove that actors and video games can have satisfying intercourse. The Darkening is a follow up to the successful PC head Privateer. It's a space adventure that's been 4 million pounds in the making. The player controls the main character Lev Arris, Clive Owen of TV's Chance of Him, who finds himself in a spaceship-has-crashed, I'm-on-an-alien-planet, I've-lost-my-memory type situation so he decides to wander around and looking cool with a gun until a massive monster appears. See? Told you. Each time the player enters a new scene they're presented with a host of choices of what to do. Faced with the responsibility of rediscovering his identity and saving the world, our hero slips off the nearest Boozer tovmeet some of the mutated locals.

JOHN HURT: My role in in the piece is what is a barman but he's a barman in the busiest bar in space. really. it's a pretty rough and tumbly bar which almost everybody drops into at one stage or another so he knows everything that's going on. Basically he's a great fixer.

CLIVE OWEN: There's quite a lot of computer technology be added afterwards but the big difference is at the end of each scene you often have to shoot a variety of choices depending how good the players of the game you get to the end of the scene and then a deal is done and you go one way or it's not done.

HOST: But it's when our hero comes into contact with the fairer of sex that the problems really begin. A lot like in real life, kids, I can tell you. Oh that's a tough question. Yes go on Clive, mate, do your duty. D'oh! Once you've failed to pull through your utter stupidity there's nothing left but to get out improve your fighting skills in a 3d space combat sections. It's only by doing well here and in treating wisely that you can progress through the game. But the real stars are the special effects. The producers have gone sci-fi action dual-olly bonkers creating everything from spaceships crashing to fight guys in stupid helmets. All this could just possibly mean that The Darkening, when it's released next month, isn't fish at all.