Southampton-class destroyer

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Southampton-Class Destroyer
Type Destroyer
Manufacturer Terran Confederation
Primary user Terran Confederation, Union of Border Worlds

The Southampton-Class Destroyer was a warship that was widely used by the Terran Confederation during the Terran-Kilrathi War. It is also used extensively by the Union of Border Worlds.

Class Overview

The Southampton is everything a true destroyer is: A small, heavily-armed warship capable of taking on any capital ship without the need for starfighter escort. It fills many roles on the frontlines, including system patrol, escort ship, and capital ship interceptor. Many Terran task forces include at least one of these powerful warships as an escort, defending the fleet carriers that would otherwise be destroyed by the Kilrathi.

It is unknown what starfighter or shuttle complement the Southampton possesses. Given its relatively small size, it would be minimal at best.


The Southampton was serving in just about every sector along the frontlines by the later stages of the Terran-Kilrathi War. Two famous ships in this class were the TCS Sheffield and the TCS Coventry, which served alongside the TCS Ajax in Destroyer Squadron 67, the task force assigned to escort the TCS Victory. Famed Terran pilot Jason Bondarevsky commanded DesRon 67 on the Coventry, and was badly injured when that ship was maimed by a Kilrathi mine during the Behemoth debacle. Both vessels participated in the numerous engagements fought by the Victory up until the end of the war.

Another famed Southampton was the TCS Intrepid, which participated in the strike on Kilrah in 2668 alongside the TCS Kagimasha and the TCS Tarawa. In a brave act of self-sacrifice, the Intrepid fought off a Kilrathi cruiser in the Baragh System before ultimately falling to enemy fire, but not before allowing the Tarawa to escape with the nearby TCS Concordia.

Southamptons served with both the Black Lance and the Union of Border Worlds during the Border Worlds Conflict of 2673. Some have also made their way into service with the Free Republic of the Landreich.


Class: Destroyer
Length: 490 meters
Mass: 19,000 metric tonnes
Max Velocity: 200 kps
Cruise Velocity: 100 kps
Acceleration: 10 k/s^2
Max Y/P/R: 5/5/5 dps
Fore Shield: 1000 cm equivalent
Aft Shield: 1000 cm equivalent
Front Armor: 1000 cm
Right Armor: 1000 cm
Left Armor: 1000 cm
Rear Armor: 1000 cm
Guns: Dual Laser Turret (9)
Dual Antimatter Guns (1)