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System Map - Manchester.png
Sector Gemini Sector
Quadrant Potter Quadrant
Planets Thusbury, Wickerton
Jump Links New Detroit
Random Mission Opponents 2/3 Pirate, 1/3 Retro

Manchester is a Terran Confederation star system in the Potter Quadrant of the Gemini Sector. It is home to Thusbury and Wickerton and a jump point leading to the New Detroit system.

Nav Points

Point X Y Z Description
Nav 1 40000 30000 20000 Thisbury Refinery Base
Nav 2 40000 -50000 -20000 Jump Point - Hind's Variable North
Nav 3 -20000 -40000 0 Wickerton Refinery Base
Hidden 10000 -10000 10000


Stellar Objects

Random Encounters

% # Faction Ships Intelligence
Nav 1
30% 4 Confederation Stiletto confident aces

Privateer Playtester's Guide


Behind the Scenes

Manchester, England is the home of Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts.