Theta Wing (McAuliffe System)

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Theta Wing
Date 2654.131.1200
Fighter Scimitar
Wingmen James Taggart
Objectives Proceed to Nav Point 1

Destroy the Ralari-class destroyer
Return to Tiger's Claw

Previous Beta Wing (McAuliffe System)
Next Psi Wing (McAuliffe System)

Mission Layout

Preflight Conversations


You met Maniac and Bossman over there yet?
Maniac’s a real lunatic, a good pilot, but way too erratic.
He was just comin’ up when the fleabags put me outta commission.
Just between you and me, I’d rather fly alone than with Maniac on my wing.
Bossman’s another story, though. He’s a real team leader.
A crack pilot, with 17 years behind him.
Flown ever’thin’ in the Terran fleet, and blown up at least one of every class the Kilrathi have.


Chen Kien
Sit down, Maverick. They call me Bossman.
I’ve been watching you. You look good for a rookie.
You handle yourself well in a dogfight, but we’ll be facing some bigger ships soon.
Todd Marshall
All right! Some serious action!
Chen Kien
A lot of young pilots get excited when they see their first destroyer…
Todd Marshall
Just what do you mean by that, Boss?
Chen Kien
…they lose their heads and go straight in for the battleship.
Then a light fighter they forgot about blasts them from behind.
Big ships move slow and turn like pigs.
Thing to do is clean up the fighter cover first, then go in for the battleship.

Talk to MANIAC

Hey, Maverick. I’m Maniac. Glad to meetcha.
Bossman says we’re gonna see some action against some battleships soon.
I can’t wait. Dodging flak and fighter cover to make a missile run at a destroyer…
Man, that’ll be a rush!
Get in there quick, waste the mama cat, then pick the kittens off one by one.
That’s the way to do it!

Mission Briefing

Mission Briefing. McAuliffe System, 12:00 hours, 2654.131.

Peter Halcyon
Well, boys and girls, things are getting ready to heat up.
The Confederation is getting ready to mount a major offensive, so we’re expecting several supply ships within the next 48 hours.
But scanners show increased Kilrathi activity in this system.
We’ve got to clean up the enemy presence here at McAuliffe, before the tankers and ’sports start to arrive tomorrow.
We’ve detected a large bogie about 90,000 klicks out.
It jumped in about 20 minutes ago, and seems to be headed this way.
It might be just a transport, but it’s probably a small warship.
Maverick, you and Paladin are going to go out and get a look at it, and destroy it if you can.
James Taggart
Faith, lad, but that’ll be a challenge…
Peter Halcyon
Here’s your flight plan.
If the bogie continues its present course and speed, you should meet it here, at Nav 1.
We’ve detected a fighter escort in the area as well, so be on the lookout for additional bogies.
The Colonel quickly goes through the rest of the assignments, dispatching other wings to check out other bogies in the system.
Peter Halcyon
Squadron dismissed.

Mission Debriefing

Mission Debriefing. 16:00 hours, 2654.131.

Peter Halcyon
Nice job, Maverick. You too, Paladin. Congratulations to the both of you.
James Taggart
The kid did all the work, sir. I was just along for the ride.
Christopher Blair
Those Kilrathi destroyers really aren’t much to worry about, sir.
Peter Halcyon
I don’t know, Maverick. They had you outgunned as well as outnumbered.
Now, to review the mission.
Recorder shows you killed 6, Maverick, and 1 killed by Paladin.
By the way, we’ve identified the big bogie as a Ralari-class destroyer.
Good job taking her out. That’s all. Dismissed.