Free Trader-class transport

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Free Trader
Type Transport
Manufacturer ?
Primary users Confed


The Free Trader was primarily designed as a civilian shipping vessel. They were a common sight during the Enigma Campaign of the 2660s and often had to be protected by Terran starfighters due to their poor protection.

James Taggart used a specially refitted Free Trader called the TCS Bonnie Heather. This vessel was designed to serve as a deep-space reconnaissance vessel intended to spy on the Kilrathi Empire. It was fitted with special cabins for its crew, multiple data and sensor stations, and prison cells.


Stats Free Trader
Class: Transport (Civilian)
Length: 83 meters
Mass: 2,000 metric tonnes
Max Velocity: 150 kps
Cruise Velocity: 150 kps
Afterburners ?
Acceleration: Poor
Max Y/P/R: 2/2/2 deg/s
Shields: 10 fb cm
Armor: 9fb/7lr cm
Guns: Flack Cannon(1)
Missile Hardpoints: ?
Missile Decoys: ?
Jump Capable: Yes
Crew: 1
Service Entry: ?
Fighters (sometimes modifed to carry): 2


Alternate History (the real world)


  • Wing Commander 2
