Blue Point Station

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Blue Point Station
Type Star Base
Primary user Terran Confederation

Blue Point Station is a 2673-era space station in the service of the Terran Confederation. It served as a security and refueling outpost in the Hellespont System.

During the year 2673, the Border Worlds Conflict was raging on the frontier of the Terran Confederation. On Nephele II, Major Todd Marshall recalled Colonel Christopher Blair to active duty service, so they flew towards the nearby Orlando Depot to acquire a shuttle to the Sol System.

Unfortunately for the two pilots, Orlando was destroyed by a mysterious attacker who claimed that he was from the Union of Border Worlds, when in reality he was a Black Lance operative. Running low on fuel, the two pilots diverted their course to Blue Point Station, which was unaffected by enemy activity. From there, the two men flew a shuttle to Sol to receive their new assignment.