Admiral Terrell - Mission A (Privateer Righteous Fire)

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This article is about the Privateer Righteous Fire mission. For the Wing Commander Privateer mission, see Admiral Terrell - Mission A.

Admiral Terrel - Mission A
MM - RF - Admiral Terrell A.png
Date 2670
Type Patrol Mission
Jumps 7 (Perry, Tingerhoff, Nexus, Capella, Famine, Death, Pestilence, War)
Payment 20,000 credits
Objectives Go to Death, Nav 1

Go to Death, Nav 2

Go to Death, Nav 3

Destroy Retro ships

Go to Pestilence, Nav 1

Go to Pestilence, Nav 2

Go to Pestilence, Nav 3

Destroy Retro ships

Go to War, Nav 1

Go to War, Nav 2

Go to War, Nav 3

Destroy Retro ships

Designation S13MB
Previous Sandra Goodin - Mission E
Next Informant - Mission B
Saved Game S13MB.PRS

Admiral Terrell Mission A is a mission in Privateer Righteous Fire. It may be accessed by talking to Admiral Terrell at the office on Perry in the Perry System after completing Sandra Goodin - Mission E.

Mission Description

Patrol the Death, Pestilence and War systems, and destroy any Retro presence.

Pays 20000 credits.

Return to Admiral Terral at Perry Naval Base.

Mission Layout

Location # Faction Ships Intelligence Notes
Death System
Nav 1 2 Retro Talon fanatical aces
2 Retro Salthi fanatical aces
Nav 3 1 Retro Talon fanatical ace
2 Retro Salthi fanatical aces
Pestilence System
Nav 1 2 Retro Salthi fanatical aces
Nav 2 3 Retro Salthi fanatical aces
Nav 3 1 Retro Salthi fanatical ace
War System
Nav 2 4 Retro Salthi fanatical aces
Nav 3 3 Retro Salthi fanatical aces
Famine System
Nav 1 1 Pirate Talon pir13b friendly
Tingerhoff System
Nav 1 1 Pirate Talon pir13b friendly


Mission Briefing

Initial Offer

Talk to Admiral Terrell

Good day, $NM. I trust you remember me?
I've been impressed by your recent efforts to help the Confederation.
Captain Goodin's reports to me have been most positive.
As I'm sure you have learned, the Retros have gotten out of hand.
Their recent surge in activity is attributable to one Mordecai Jones.
Stopping the threat means eliminating Jones.
Unfortunately, we have very little information about his current location.
Intelligence analysis indicates that he's operating from the Fariss quadrant.
But that's all we know.
Therefore, we're going to begin a thorough search of Fariss.
We're going to comb each system until we find him.
So how do I fit in?  
As you know, we've got nearly all our forces mobilized already.
They're split between the Kilrathi and the Retros.
We can only spare a handful of ships for the search.
but a handful is not enough. Using Confederation ships alone,
the search would take years.
We need volunteers to beef up our search teams.
That's how you fit in.
What are you offering?  
We need you to patrol Death, Pestilence, and War.
You get 20,000.
That's an awful lot of space to cover in one flight.  
I know. You should fuel up at Macabee in Nexus before starting.
Accept Refuse
Good. It's imperative that you return here when you're done.
We'll analyze your data and see if there's any place to attack.
That's too bad. Our effort depends on you.
Please reconsider.


Talk to Admiral Terrell

What are you doing here, $NM? Your mission's not complete.
I may be reconsidering. What are the details again?  
You are to patrol Death, Pestilence and War.
I recommend you fuel up at Macabee in Nexus first.
You must return here afterwards. The pay is 20,000.
Accept Refuse
Got it. See you later.
That's too bad. Our effort depends on you.


Talk to Admiral Terrell

Good to see you again, $NM.
We need you badly. Let me describe my offer again.
You are to patrol Death, Pestilence and War.
I recommend you fuel up at Macabee in Nexus first.
You must return here afterwards. The pay is 20,000.
Accept Refuse
I can't resist a begging Admiral.  
I see. Then our cause is all but lost.

In Flight

Talk to Pirate

# Hope you're not looking for trouble.
# You're making me nervous.
Hey hotshot, my employer wants to see you. He's waiting for you at Drake Base, In the Capella system. He can't wait for long...
# And who's that?
# Who would employ you.
I just get paid to deliver the message. I'm much more interested in your cargo. Fat cargo holds Are hard to come by these days. Say, maybe you're carrying something good for me. Eh, sailor boy?
# Back off, I've got nothing for you!
# You're going down, pirate!
Well, we'll meet again. My manners end when you land on Drake in Capella. We'll see if you ever get to Drake in Capella.


Good work, $NM. Your data is quite complete.
I'm afraid that there was no evidence of any bases in the systems you patrolled.
You're not alone. All patrols so far have turned up nothing.
All except the Epsilon group, which hasn't returned yet.
They were sent to patrol 17-AR, J-900, Telar, and Valhalla.
We've lost contact with them. I'm sending additional ships to look for them.
Anyway, I want to thank you for your help,
and to inform you that I'll pay you 80,000 if you can somehow get rid of Jones.
That's all. Goodbye.

WC:CIC Game Guide


Confed are employing Privateers to search Fariss quadrant for Mordichai Jones. You are assigned a long patrol so you will need to stop at Macabee mining base in Nexus system before starting.


Patrol the Death, Pestilence and War systems and destroy all Retros. Return to Admiral Terrell when this is complete.

Scripted Encounters

Retros all over patrol area.


  • You can face any number of fighters in this one. They come in waves of 3, but as you face random waves as well, the total number of fighters can vary, but it will be a lot. In all likelihood, you'll face more than 15 enemies. You can't afford to take damage, and you need to make your missiles last.
  • By the end of the mission, your nearest base is in Troy system so jump there and find a place to land. Upon reaching a planet or base, a pirate will tell you that his "employer" wants to meet you at Drake base in Capello system. Land now to refuel. You'll need to land in Capello system to refuel again on the way back so you can visit the "employer" then.