Tayla - Mission A (Privateer Righteous Fire)

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This article is about the Privateer Righteous Fire mission. For the Wing Commander Privateer mission, see Tayla - Mission A.

Tayla - Mission A
MM - RF - Tayla A.png
Date 2670
Type Cargo Mission
Jumps 5 (Pentonville, 119CE, Junction, Nexus, Capella, Sherwood)
Payment 10,000 credits
Objectives Go to Sherwood, Nav 3

Deliver cargo to Tuck's

Cargo Mission Cargo (10)
Designation S8MA
Next Tayla - Mission B
Saved Game S8MA.PRS

Tayla - Mission A is a mission in Privateer Righteous Fire. It may be accessed by talking to Tayla at the bar on Oakham in the Pentonville System. The Privateer Righteous Fire campaign may be started with this mission, Lynn Murphy - Mission A, Sandra Goodin - Mission A or E. Masterson - Mission A. The Tayla series is optional if players choose to fly the missions for Lynn Murphy and Sandra Goodin.

Mission Description

Take cargo of personal goods from Oakham pirate base to Tuck's in the Sherwood system.

Pays 10000 credits.

Tayla will be waiting for you there to give you your next mission.

Mission Layout

Location # Faction Ships Intelligence Notes
Pentonville System
Nav 1 3 Pirate Talon confident pros friendly
Nav 2 3 Pirate Talon confident pros friendly
Hidden 3 Pirate Talon confident pros friendly
Junction System
Nav 1 2 Bounty Hunter Demon confident pros
Sherwood System
Nav 1 3 Pirate Talon confident pros friendly
Nav 2 1 Pirate Talon confident pros friendly
Nav 3 3 Pirate Talon confident pros friendly
Nav 4 2 Pirate Talon confident pros friendly
Nav 8 2 Pirate Talon confident pros friendly

Pentonville System

Nav 1

  • 3 Pirate Talon (confident pros, friendly)

Nav 2

  • 3 Pirate Talon (confident pros, friendly)


  • 3 Pirate Talon (confident pros, friendly)

Junction System

Nav 6

  • 2 Bounty Hunter Demon (fanatical pros)

Sherwood System

Nav 1

  • 3 Pirate Talon (confident pros, friendly)

Nav 2

  • 1 Pirate Talon (confident pro, friendly)

Nav 3

  • 3 Pirate Talon (confident pros, friendly)

Nav 4

  • 2 Pirate Talon (confident pros, friendly)

Nav 8

  • 2 Pirate Talon (confident pros, friendly)


Mission Briefing

Initial Offer

Talk to Tayla

Hello, Tayla.
Wow. I never expected to see you again, $NM. What's new?
The usual. Boy meets gun, boy blows up drone, boy loses gun, you know the story.
I heard. Say, you interested in some dirty work?
I could use you to deliver some personal cargo for me.
I need it to go to Tuck in Sherwood.
No contraband, and I'll make sure the pirates stay off your back.
The job pays 10,000. I'll meet you at Tuck. How about it?
Accept Refuse
Great. See you there.
Not good enough for you, huh?
I know you. You'll change your tune.


Talk to Tayla

I see you still haven't delivered my goods to Tuck.
I had some stuff to take care of. What was the plan again?
Let me refresh your memory.
Deliver some personal cargo for me to Tuck in Sherwood.
There's no contraband, and I'll keep the pirates on your side.
The pay is 10,000. I'll be at Tuck to greet you.
Once and for all, are you going to do it or not?
Accept Refuse
Try and get it right this time.
Why do I bother with you?


Talk to Tayla

I knew you'd come back, $CS.
Let's hear the specs again.
Here it is. You deliver some personal cargo for me to Tuck in Sherwood.
There's no contraband, and I'll keep the pirates on your side.
You get 10,000, and I'll be at Tuck to greet you.
Accept Refuse
Great. See you there.
Whatever you say.

WC:CIC Game Guide

Tayla's missions aren't essential, but flying them will give you a bit of extra cash to buy ship upgrades before starting on the more difficult missions. Your first mission is a cargo mission, although unlike Tayla's cargo in Privateer, this cargo is legal.


With no scripted encounters, you just have random encounters to face, and since pirates are friendly while you work for Tayla, that doesn't leave much to worry about.