False Armistice

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The False Armistice was a ceasefire initiated between the Terran Confederation and the Kilrathi Empire during the Terran-Kilrathi War in 2668.


During the year 2668, the Kilrathi Empire, which had been engaged in a brutal crusade against humanity for over thirty years, found itself badly outmatched by the Terran Confederation during the later years of the war. The Kilrathi had suffered many humiliating defeats against the Terrans during the 2660s. The Kilrathi had lost control of the strategically-vital Enigma Sector, and numerous deep-space raids conducted by Wake-Class Escort Carriers had smashed the Kilrathi's infrastructure and new fleets. Terran manpower grew to outstrip that of the Kilrathi. The Empire found itself at a loss of funds and the Imperial Forces were losing their ability to wage war. If action was not taken, the Empire would face an imminent collapse.

In response to this dire situation, Baron Jukaga nar Ki'ra, a noble of the Nar Ki'ra clan, presented his own plan to the Imperial leadership. He suggested that the Empire present the humans with an armistice in order to buy the Kilrathi the time required to rebuild its fleet. It would also give Jukaga more time to prepare Project Hari, a top-secret military project aimed towards the final destruction of humanity. He figured that the battle-weary Terrans would welcome such a proposal, so it was agreed that they would deceive the Terrans into accepting this false peace.


The Kilrathi presented the proposed ceasefire to Confederation President Harold Rodham and his cabinet on Earth. When word of the ceasefire spread across the Confederation, the reaction proved extremely negative. Many Terrans and their allies saw the ceasefire as a trick, and insisted that the Kilrathi were planning more meets the eye. Even the Confed military was wary of this proposal despite their support for the President. Unfortunately, President Rodham was convinced to sign the armistice by his Foreign Secretary, Rhonda Jamison. She had accused the military of continuing the War and insisted that the costs of the War had become unbearable. Agreeing with his secretary, Rodham formally signed Confed General Order #2312A, ordering an immediate ceasefire in the Terran-Kilrathi War on all fronts.

Support and Opposition

The Armistice proved unpopular in the Terran Confederation. Protests took place in the Union of Border Worlds, the Grovsner Colonies, and the Free Republic of the Landreich. The Firekkans were so outraged at the signing that the Teehyn Ree, Rikik, withdrew Firekka from the Terran Confederation. Unconvinced at the Kilrathi's sincerity, the Confed military launched undercover investigations into the motives behind the Armistice. Others refused to do anything, instead throwing their support behind the President. Most of the President's support came from his advisers and his cabinet, with some notable exceptions. Vice President Dave Quinson was fully opposed to the cessation of hostilities.

Project Hari

Meanwhile, back in the Kilrathi Empire, Baron Jukaga continued progress on Project Hari, the Imperial plan to restore the might of the Imperial Armada and to ultimately end the War. As a part of the plan, Jukaga commissioned the immediate construction of a new line of supercarriers known as the Hakaga-Class Heavy Carriers. These mammoth warships were equipped with the latest weapons and armor of the Kilrathi Empire, and were more than a match for virtually any Terran warship. These ships would be the ones to end the War through one simple task: The destruction of the Terran homeworld, Earth.


The Confederation Space Navy was largely inactive as a result of the Armistice, with the majority of its leaders obeying the President. The fleet saw the mothballing of several obsolete warships whose intended service life had been prolonged by the War. Meanwhile, a large number of volunteers joined the Special Operations Division in the hopes of uncovering the true nature of this ceasefire.

Among the naval personnel that was the most vehemently opposed to the Armistice was Rear Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn, who remained unconvinced of the Kilrathi's good intent. When Tolwyn continued to resist the Kilrathi despite the ceasefire, he was found guilty of disobedience and stripped of rank. However, Tolwyn was not finished. President Rodham, choosing not to take chances with the Armistice, ordered Tolwyn to send a fleet of Wake-Class Escort Carriers to the Landreich in what was revealed to be a top-secret investigation of the Kilrathi Empire's activities. The TCS Tarawa and the TCS Normandy were among those vessels sent to the Landreich.

Meanwhile, Baron Jukaga had completed the construction of three Hakaga-Class Heavy Carriers, with another partially-completed. With his armada quickly taking shape, it was clear that Jukaga was gaining greater influence in the Kilrathi Empire, which he ultimately hoped to exploit in what would eventually culminate in a treacherous plot to overthrow the Kilrathi Emperor and install himself as the Empire's leader.

While Tolwyn prepared his fleet at Landreich, Commodore James Taggart initiated a secret mission of his own. Assuming command of the Errant-class Merchantman TCS Bannockburn, Taggart prepared a Secret Operations force to penetrate the Kilrathi Empire. Among those who volunteered for the mission were pilots Ian St. John and Etienne Montclair. Soon afterwards, both the Bannockburn and the Tarawa were en route to Kilrah. The Tarawa and her force were departing from Fleet Yard 5 above Landreich when a Confed peace commission attempted to stop them, as they were violating the truce. Tolwyn had arranged for the carriers to be bought out by the Landreich to serve as civilian transports as a guise for their true mission. Confed discovered this and tried to stop the mission, but the fleet escaped before anything could be done.

The two forces penetrated Kilrathi airspace and eventually entered the remote Hari Sector. It was here on 2668.341 that Taggart and his team discovered the construction of the Hakaga-class Heavy Carriers, of which five had been fully completed. The task force acquired photographic evidence of the fleet and relayed it to the Tarawa, only to come under attack by Kilrathi forces. The Bannockburn successfully fought off the attackers as it fled, at the cost of Ian St. John, who sacrificed himself to defend the vessel. The Confed forces rushed back to the Confederation to inform the military of the impending attack.

Upon realization that the plot had been discovered, Crown Prince Thrakhath nar Kiranka ordered Baron Jukaga to launch the attack on Earth, despite the fact that at least four carriers remained incomplete. Taking advantage of the the Terrans' weakness, Jukaga committed to the attack.

Resumption of Hostilities

Meanwhile, at the Terran Confederation, the Joint Chiefs of Staff remained unaware of the impending attack. On 2668.341, Kilrathi Ambassador Vak'ga requested to meet the Joint Chiefs of Staff and many prominent military officers to discuss truce violations and shaky relations with the Landreich. In reality, Vak'ga had been ordered to assassinate the entire committee by means of an anti-matter charge implanted in his chest upon word that the assault on Earth had commenced. Vak'ga eagerly agreed to the act and detonated the bomb at the meeting. The explosion killed approximately 150 Terran military officers, including five admirals and seven generals. Among the dead was Admiral Wayne Banbridge, head of the Joint Chiefs. The sole survivor of the attack was Marine General Duke Grecko, who left the meeting before the bomb was detonated. The blast crippled the Terran military leadership, thrusting the Confederation Space Navy into complete disarray.

Upon word that the Kilrathi were planning to assault Earth, President Rodham ordered the Terran military to mobilize to defend Earth, formally declaring the end of the Armistice. He informed the people of the Terran Confederation of the attack, causing galactic panic and forcing the entire union to prepare for battle. Emergency Decree 394 was thus initiated, so Admiral Tolwyn assumed command of the Third Fleet to fend off the invaders. Confed forces fortified the Sirius System, which was located just outside of the Sol System. But with their fleet partially mothballed and its leaders dead, the Confed military was not in any condition to fight the Kilrathi.

It was eventually discovered that Foreign Minister Rhonda Jamison, who had pressured the President to sign the Armistice, was actually a Kilrathi double agent. She had been blackmailed into assisting the Kilrathi in exchange for her son, who was being held prisoner by the Kilrathi. Outraged by this treachery, Rodham ordered her immediate resignation, but she refused. Public uproar erupted against the President, and bowing to public pressure, President Rodham agreed to resign from the Presidency, forcing both Jamison and his cabinet to resign as well. Vice President Quinson immediately assumed office and swore to defend Earth at any cost, and quickly organized the defense. Rodham left the office in disgrace, and Jamison would be charged with treason. With the cessation of the Armistice and the arrival of the Kilrathi Armada, humanity prepared to defend its homeworld, or die trying.

Aftermath of the Armistice

The False Armistice ultimately proved to be both a political and military disaster for the Terran Confederation. By trusting the Kilrathi Empire, the Confederation had let its guard down and made itself vulnerable to the Kilrathi attack. This, combined with the mothballing of the fleet and the loss of the Terran leadership badly impaired the Confederation's ability to defend against the Kilrathi assault. The Armistice eventually culminated in the Battle of Sirius and the Battle of Earth, which nearly ended in a disastrous Terran defeat that almost led to the fall of humanity.

Although the defending action ultimately was a Terran victory, the battles at Sirius and Earth saw the decimation of the Terran fleet, the loss of a massive amount of infrastructure, and the loss of as many as 2.5 billion lives. The battle crippled the Confederation and through the whole of 2669, Confed was on the brink of defeat. The failure of the Terran Confederation to recognize the Kilrathi ruse almost led to the galaxy-wide destruction of the human race.

Baron Jukaga launched his coup against the Royal Family during the assault on Earth. Jukaga assaulted the Hakaga Fleet in an attempt to kill Crown Prince Thrakhath. Jukaga ultimately died when his personal flagship was destroyed. However, his fleet was carrying the thermonuclear warheads that were intending to wipe out Earth. His decision to betray his own kind bought the Terrans the time they needed to save their beloved homeworld.

(To be continued)