Price of Victory

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Price of Victory is the twelfth episode of Wing Commander Academy.

Price of Victory
Episode Number 1x12
Production Code 74712
Story Mark Edens
Writer(s) Steve Cuden
Air Date December 14, 1996
Run Time 20m53s
Animation Studio Madhouse
Theme Version 1
Previous Invisible Enemy
Next Glory of Sivar


Act One

Terran Confederation Empire of Kilrah
2 CF-105 Scimitar medium fighters 5 Dralthi medium fighters
1 Grikath heavy fighter
1 Naukar carrier
2 Scimitars destroyed 1 Dralthi destroyed

Act Two

Terran Confederation Empire of Kilrah
15 CF-105 Scimitar medium fighters
4 transports (inc. TCS Suffolk)
1 Bengal strike carrier (TCS Tiger's Claw)
9 Sartha light fighters
1 Strakha stealth fighter
2 Grikath heavy fighters
2 Scimitars and 2 transports destroyed, 1 transport crippled (TCS Suffolk) 8 Sartha destroyed

Act Three

Terran Confederation Empire of Kilrah
2 P-64 Ferret patrol fighters
2 CF-105 Scimitar medium fighters
2 transport (inc. TCS Suffolk)
1 Bengal strike carrier (TCS Tiger's Claw)
6 Sartha light fighters
2 Strakha stealth fighters
1 transport destroyed (TCS Suffolk) 5 Sartha and 1 Strakha destroyed





Tiger's Claw


TCS Suffolk


Kilrathi Carrier




Terran Confederation


Capital Ships

Empire of Kilrah


Capital Ships


Terran Confederation

Small Arms

Empire of Kilrah


Animation Errors


Role Name
Story by Mark Edens
Written by Steve Cuden
Producer Larry Latham
Executive Story Editors Mark Edens
Michael Edens
Executive Consultant Ralph Sanchez
Executive Story Consultants Richard Hilleman
Adam Foshko
Starring Mark Hamill (Maverick)
Tom Wilson (Maniac)
Malcolm McDowell (Tolwyn)
Dana Delany (Archer)
Also Starring Lauri Hendler (Payback, Maya)
Jeff Bennett
Pat Fraley (Grunt, Guthrig)
Jennifer Hale (Zukara)
Music by Alexander Van Bubenheim
Voice Direction and Casting Susan Blu
Pre-Production Sound by Screenmusic Studios, Inc.
Pre-Production Sound Mixer Pete Elia
Recording Assistant Mark Caballero
Storyboards Dan Nosella
Ian Freeman
Rick Estrada
Storyboard Cleanup Judy Nielson
Flammarion Ferriera
Timing Directors Tim Walker
Al Wilsbach
Zeon Davush
Bill Reed
Character Design Larry Latham
Tim Eldred
Prop Design Lee Go
Background Design Derek Carter
Background Color Key Kathryn Yelsa
Computer Color Key Cynthia McIntosh
Studio Production Manager Alex Johns
Production Manager Patty Jausoro
Production Coordinator Estrella Capin
Production Assistants Aaron Justman
Scott Huml
Manuel Cano
Monte Alexander
Junior Gonzalez
Danik Thomas
Executive in Charge of Post Production Barbara Beck
Editors Jay Bixsen
Paul D. Calder
Assistant Editor Michael Trueba
Track Reading Glenwood Editorial
Negative Cutting Executive Cutting
Post Production Video Unitel Video, Hollywood
Post Production Sound West Productions Inc.
Supervising Sound Editor Rick Hinson
Re-Recording Mixers Harry Andronis
Stuart Calderon
Overseas Animation Studio Madhouse Animation
Overseas Animation Director Masao Maruyama
Produced in Association with USA Network


Act One

SCENE - Planetary Rings

Maverick: Running planetary sensor sweep. Stay frosty, Clipper, the Kilrathi can't be far away. I can feel it.

Clipper: Roger that Maverick. Hope we find that Kilrathi carrier. I've got a score to settle.

Maverick: Oh come on, Clipper, destroying a Kilrathi carrier won't bring back the Trafalgar.

Clipper: No sir, but it sure will make me feel better.

Maverick: Contacts, stay on my wing. Kilrathi fighters, coming out of the ring.

Clipper: They're on my tail. More bogeys, nine o'clock.

Maverick: Stay with me, Clipper.

Zukara: Cut them off. If we lose them in the rings, someone will pay.

Maverick: Great, there's your carrier.

Clipper: Missile incoming.

Maverick: Break right, now.

Clipper: It's on you Maverick, get out of there.

Maverick: (grunts) Come on baby, give me the juice. (screams) I'm hit. Shields down, power failing, I'm down.

Clipper: Hang tough Maverick, I 'm coming.

Maverick: Negative, get back to the 'Claw, that's an order, do it.

Clipper: Good luck, pilot.

SCENE - Ice Moon

Maverick: That's good enough for landing. Come on, set it down.

SCENE - Space

Clipper: Repeat, Maverick is down. We were ambushed by Kilrathi fighters from a carrier orbiting the planet. Bogeys, they're still coming after me.

SCENE - Briefing Room

Clipper: I'm targetted. Breaking right. I got him, I got him. He is locked. (static)

Tolwyn: We tried to re-establish contact, we could not.

Maniac: Sir, Maverick's down on that planet, I'm volunteering for the rescue mission.

Archer: That makes two of us.

Payback: Three.

Tolwyn: There won't be any rescue mission, that's precisely what the Kilrathi want us to do. You'll be flying into a trap.

Maniac: But, but sir.

Tolwyn: The Kilrathi carrier will move now that its position has been reported. I want you on patrol to find it before it finds us.

Archer: What about Maverick, sir?

Tolwyn: He's on his own.

SCENE - Ice Cave

Maverick: (sighs) Wonderful.

SCENE - Ice Planet

Zukara: The Terran, I want him destroyed now.

Bhok: Highness, sensors indicate a large metallic object hidden in the snow.

Zukara: Ah, perhaps the Terran. Let's just see, shall we? Find the Terran pilot! I want his life for Sivar.

SCENE - Kilrathi Carrier

Bhok: Your highness.

Zukara: Spare me, Bhok, I'm in no mood.

Gharal: Highness, Prince Thrakhath has ordered me to convey you to the planet Dolos. It is almost time for the festival of Sivar. The Dolosians have been gathered for the sarcrifice.

Zukara: The Terran pilot down there is mine. I will not leave this pilot until he is found.

Gharal: But Prince Thrakhath ordered...

Zukara: I do not take orders from my brother. I too am of the Emperor's blood. Take your fighters down to the planet and help capture the Terran.

Bhok: At once, highness. Prepare to take off.

Pilots: (walla)

Gharal: I see Zukara has not changed.

Bhok: You are lucky you no longer fly with us. The sacrafice on Dolos, is it trueh that the hrai will swear allegiance directly to Prince Thrakhath?

Gharal: As the chosen Claw of the Emperor, yes. A blood oath, stronger even than a warrior's oath to his clan.

Bhok: Then it is true, Thrakhath intends to destroy the clans. When he becomes emperor, the warriors will owe their allegiance only to him.

Gharal: What do you mean, Bhok?

Bhok: The war against the Terrans is just an excuse for the imperial family to take more and more power.

Gharal: Perhaps. The independence of the clans might be the price of victory. But the life of a warrior is to obey.

Bhok: Yes, it is our lives.

SCENE - Ice Cave

Maverick: (sighs) Not exactly how I had my day planned. Huh, cozy. Just like home. The Kilrathi!

Pilot: I've found the Terrans fighter.

Maverick: (groans)

Bhok: It's over, Terran.

Act Two

Act Three