Orsini Mission 2 (ORS-2)

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Orsini Mission 2 (ORS-2)
Fighter Arrow, Hellcat V, Thunderbolt VII
Wingmen Ralgha nar Hhallas
Objectives Make a three-area sweep and destroy any Kilrathi fighters you find.
Previous Orsini Mission 1 (ORS-1)
Next Orsini Mission 3 (ORS-3)

Mission Layout


Nav Area Enemies Friendlies Objective Notes
Take off Cleared to launch
Sweep 1 Fly to way area Destroy all enemy fighters
Sweep 2 2 Darket Fly to way area Destroy all enemy fighters
Sweep 3 2 Darket
1 Sha'kar (Transport)
Fly to way area Destroy all enemy fighters
Victory 2 Southampton (Sheffield, Coventry)
1 Tallahassee (Ajax)
1 Yorktown (Victory)
Fly to way area Return to the Victory
Landing Return to the Victory


Nav Area Enemies Friendlies Objective
Sweep 1 3 Darket Sweep for enemy activity
Sweep 2 2 Darket
1 Kamrani (Corvette)
Continue sweep
Sweep 3 2 Dralthi IV Final leg of patrol
Victory 3 Southampton (Destroyer)
1 Yorktown (Victory)
Return to the Victory




Location Characters Video Notes
Flight Control Hobbes A2FCTHBO Optional
Rec Room Vaquero A0RECVQS
Barracks Cobra A1BARCBO Optional


Location Characters Video Notes
Lift Rollins A0LFTRLS
Rec Room Cobra, Hobbes, Vagabond A1RECCB
Rec Room Vagabond A0RECVAS
Barracks Angel A0BARAG
Bridge Maniac A0BRIMAS

Mission Briefing




Let's get started, Colonel.



One of our tracking stations reports Kilrathi activity in these regions. I'd like you to run a patrol through there and sweep the areas.


The station's report is sketchy. You might encounter some sort of Kilrathi cap ship.


Go to it, Colonel.

Wingman choices for Mission A2: Hobbes, any other pilot Blair has had a conversation with. Cannot be Flint since Blair hasn't really spoken to her yet.

Mission Debriefing

Success Failure


Unless otherwise noted, all Debriefings will be over the radio as Blair flies back to the Victory.

Excellent work, Colonel. I can see now that your reputation is well deserved.

You’re cleared for landing, Colonel.

Go to A2.

Scene A15


Colonel, if that was any indication of your abilities, I must say that I wonder how you got your reputation.

You’re cleared to land, Colonel.

Go to A2.

The Authorized Combat Guide to Wing Commander III

A Word From Colonel Hart

This mission is a little more tricky than the first. You're going to have to hit three of the nav points and take out the Cats that you find there. Hobbes isn't your only ally aboard the Victory. Go out and meet your pilots. Once you get to know them they'll report to duty and be available for missions.

Colonel Hart's Tactical Analysis

You'll have three conversations in this mission: Cobra in the Barracks, Hobbes in flight control, and Vagabond and Vaquero in the living quarters. Maniac is still up on the bridge if you didn't talk to him last mission.

{Picture: Cobra} Now there's a lady with a chip on her shoulder.

On this mission you'll encounter a transport. The Intelligence boys call this kind of thing catnip. It's there to lure you in. Remember, it's not a part of your mission. Take out the Kilrathi fighters and if you have the time and patience, or simply want some target practice, open up on the transport. Just don't let it lure you in while there's still fighters floating around.

{Picture: Dogfight} Don't be lured in too soon.

In the 3DO version you'll face a corvette instead of a transport.

Objective for Success

Destroy all of the Darkets.

Colonel Hart's Counsel

Take the Arrow or Hellcat on this one, with a standard load. I'd suggest flying with either Cobra or Hobbes.

Origin's Official Guide to Wing Commander III

Orsini Sector

The war is going badly, and you're assigned to an older carrier, the TCS Victory, under the command of Captain William Eisen Now that you're in command of a fighter group, you're responsible for assigning routine patrol and cargo escort missions to your pilots. Aboard the Victory, you meet new pilots and several old acquaintances, including Hobbes. Your first assignment as a CFG (Commander Fighter Group) on the Victory is to assign your pilots and fighters to a patrol sweep of Orsini Sector.


Conversations Hobbes (FC), Maniac (BG), Rachel (FC)*, Rollins (LF), Vagabond (RR)

New Morale Conversations

Rollins (LF) Play along with him. +1 (Ship)
This guy's a loon. -1 (Ship)
Vagabond (PR) He's got a point. +1
What's he hiding? -1

Other New Movies

Hobbes (FC) ORS-1 through ORS-2
Maniac (BG) ORS-1 through ORS-3
Rachel (FC) ORS-1 through ORS-4*

* After every mission briefing, Rachel appears by the Loadout Terminal in Flight Control. Also, practically every time you land, Rachel will have something to say on the Flight Deck. These conversations won't be listed in later missions.


Briefing Make a three-area sweep and destroy any Kilrathi fighters you find.

Wingmen Hobbes (only choice)

Ships Hellcat (only choice)


  • Autopilot.

(A) Nav 1

  • 2 Darket.

(B) Nav 2

  • Clear

(C) Nav 3

  • 2 Darket.


  • Destroy at least 3 Darket. Go to Mission ORS-2.


  • Go to Mission ORS-2.


  • Before you autopilot from the Victory, redistribute your power. If you've got good aim, allocate the majority of power to your weapons and lower engines, damage repair and shields. If you're new to the game, increase your shield and damage settings and decrease engines and weapons.
  • At Nav 1, set Hobbes free to Break and attack, then take out the Darket with full guns, or by wearing out their shields with the guns and popping them with an IR missile. (HS missiles will also work, especially if you've already tagged the rear shields.)
  • If you're having trouble staying with the Darket, use [Y] and occasionally afterburn. Take them on head-on if you want to--your shields are better than theirs.

TNC Newsbrief Text Feed

In one of the more macabre touches to an already brutal war, the Hispania freighter Loa recovered a Confederation fighter adrift in the Veronica sector, its pilot ritually executed by the Kilrathi before being strapped into the cockpit and cast into space The fighter was immediately confiscated by the Confederation Intelligence Department, but crewmembers reported that Kilrathi symbols had been painted across the fighter's hull in its pilot's own blood, while those who saw the body indicated that it had been literally ripped to shreds

Linquistics specialists at the University of Hawaii on Earth have made progress in deciphering the intricacies of the Kilrathi language and have begun publishing their reearch in leading journals. While Confederation Intelligence is rumored to be adept at both the decryption and translation of Kilrathi signals, civilian reearch has been sharply restricted.

We'll have further reports as they become available. Information is the blood of free society. Good evening.


The Authorized Combat Guide to Wing Commander III incorrectly lists two Darkets at Nav 2 in the PC version of the game.