Dralthi I

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Dralthi-class line-drawing from Joan's Fighting Spacecraft.

The Dralthi was a Kilrathi medium fighter. It was included in Joan's Fighting Spacecraft Vega Sector Supplement for 2654.092.

On 2654.110 Jeannette Devereaux reported to Christopher Blair that the dralthi fighter was the most seen kilrathi fighter in the Vega Sector. She also told him that it took 1.4 missiles or over seven laser blasts to destroy the fighter.


Class: Medium Fighter
Length: 28 meters
Mass: 14 metric tonnes
Max Velocity: 400 kps
Cruise Velocity: 230 kps
Acceleration: Good
Max Y/P/R: 10/14/10 dps
Fore Shield: 5.0 cm equivalent
Aft Shield: 5.0 cm equivalent
Front Armor: 4.5 cm
Right Armor: 3.0 cm
Left Armor: 3.0 cm
Rear Armor: 3.5 cm
Guns: Laser Cannon (2)
Missiles: Porcupine Space Mine (3), Stalker HS (2)