User:Bandit LOAF/MP

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5 October 2007

We're finished with the box and blueprints! I'm sure it originally sounded like an odd little aside... but we've added or updated some forty-odd entries!

It also speaks to what we're doing here: the 'mockup' action shots on the back of the box are a wealth of unconsidered information. From characters (PkL. Karshk) to weapons (FF Pike), they're full of terms and concepts that some future work (fan or otherwise) could build on - thanks to our recording them here!

Special thanks to Priest for teaching me how to do image galleries - they look a lot nicer than running all the pictures down the right side of the entry... and I think we're going to start seeing some entries with a *lot* of pictures in the very near future. You can find his demo at Talk:Flight Recorder.

Next up, then, is a big one - possibly the big one: Wing Commander I. No other Wing Commander game has so many possible paths, no other Wing Commander game introduces so many other concepts and no other Wing Commander game we work on will 'create' so much of the universe.

We will use the Wing Commander I & II Ultimate Strategy Guide to determine the 'real' path - ie, who flew where, which series' the Tiger's Claw participated in, when a medal was awarded, etc. We'll add material from the book itself in a while, but avoid that for now. For the timeline we will use the 'skeleton' - This is not set in stone - if you can find a better date for a WC1 mission, we will happily change it.

Now, that said, I'm going away for the weekend and will be offline. If you want to go ahead and add terms to the terms list, lets set it up at Wing Commander I TEMP.

Another project, for someone with better Wikipediabilities: we need a nice front page, to go right here. As much as I like to see myself talk, I think we could have a nice intro or a picture or an index here... and maybe just a little box noting where the current 'TEMP' page is.

To sum it up: good work, team - now lets really get to it!

Bandit LOAF 09:23, 5 October 2007 (CDT)

2 October 2007

Allright, I'm going to call this one! In a very short time we have added 261 Claw Marks related articles to the project - an excellent base upon which to build! Good show all around. Parts may look messy now and others may look overy specific... but it's an amazing start that will even out as we treat every other part of the Wing Commander canon with the same amount of study. We're almost ready to start Wing Commander I, which will be one of the most difficult updates... but first there's some erratta to take care of: the Wing Commander I box artwork and the blueprints! We're that specific! I've added a list of new terms at the following link: WC1 BOX AND BLUEPRINTS TEMP. Bandit LOAF 00:58, 2 October 2007 (CDT)

26 September 2007

New plan! We are going to work through the series from the very beginning - starting with the original Claw Marks and building our encyclopedia as through we were playing the games for the first time! I've created a temporary index of Claw Marks topics here: Claw Marks TEMP.

You can find more details (and discussion) in the Wingkipedia thread at the CZ:

Bandit LOAF 09:28, 26 September 2007 (CDT)

25 September 2007

I'm back! It looks like you folks have been doing some spectacular work, and now I'm here to help. I'm going to start by adding everything possible from Claw Marks and then go through the series in a linear order... I'm relying on you Wikipedia experts to help keep everything 'looking' right! Bandit LOAF 12:55, 25 September 2007 (CDT)

17 August 2007

Hey gang, I apologize for not getting more (read: any) work done. As the #WingNut regulars know, I'm in the middle of a working vacation. Frosty and I are up at ace and blonde's house now, and then we're going to go show off Arena at Dragon*Con. Anyhow, the Wingkipedia is more than just an excuse to add a bullet point to our birthday list, and I'm glad to see you guys adding to it. I'm thinking I'd like to get a few 'perfect' entries done for future reference - one ship, one character, one timeline event, etc. so we can use them as templates in the future.

Unfortunately, I don't know half an egg about Wikipedia - all I have is the information. As you can see from my recent upload to the Darket page, I can't even figure out how to get a gallery working correctly. So - stylists needed! I know we have a few expert Wikipediaians out there, and I'm happy to defer to your judgment about exactly how to present this stuff...

Bandit LOAF 16:12, 17 August 2007 (CDT)

11 August 2007

I have added a set of rules for the project, available at WCPedia Rules. Please feel free to suggest any additions or changes.

Bandit LOAF 08:45, 11 August 2007 (CDT)

10 August 2007

Welcome to the great experiment!

The Wing Commander community is the greatest fan group in the world - can we build a world class guide to the Wing Commander universe by August 10th, 2008? We'll find out! In order to join the project users must first register. All content will rigorously edited and fact-checked, and upon completion will be absorbed into a a new Wing Commander Encyclopedia.

If you're just joining us, consider yourself a Wing Commander graduate student - and this is your thesis project! At the end of the project you'll all recieve honorary Wing Commander doctorates from the CIC staff. I'll be personally overseeing the effort... and working as hard as I possibly can to add material. Feel free to contact me here or in #WingNut at anytime regarding the WCPedia.

Lets do this thing!

Bandit LOAF 14:58, 10 August 2007 (CDT)