A-14 Raptor

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Raptor-class line drawing from Joan's Fighting Spacecraft.

The Raptor was a Terran Confederation heavy fighter. It was included in Joan's Fighting Spacecraft Vega Sector Supplement for 2654.092.

In Phase One of the 2633 Enyo Engagement a force of Raptors was reconfigured to carry additional Porcupine Space Mines and almost no missiles. The Raptors dropped their mines around the Enyo System's primary jump point and then engaged the superior Kilrathi fleet. After the Kilrathi fleet was forced to maneuver away from the mines and then scatter further to hunt the Raptors, a radio signal detonated the minefield to allow a Confederation fleet to jump in.


Class: Heavy Fighter
Length: 36 meters
Mass: 20 metric tonnes
Max Velocity: 400 kps
Cruise Velocity: 250 kps
Acceleration: Good
Max Y/P/R: 6/5/6 dps
Fore Shield: 7.0 cm equivalent
Aft Shield: 7.0 cm equivalent
Front Armor: 8.0 cm
Right Armor: 6.0 cm
Left Armor: 6.0 cm
Rear Armor: 8.0 cm
Guns: Mk. 40F Neutron Gun (2), Mk. 30A Mass Driver Cannon (2)
Missiles: Javelin HS (2), Spiculum IR (2), Pilum FF (1), Porcupine Space Mine (1)

An earlier variant of the Raptor carried two Phalanx missiles and laser cannons in place of the neutron guns.