Are you in search of lost childhood?

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Are you in search of lost childhood? is a News Bulletin posted to the Commerce and Communications Network in 2790. It does not impact commodity prices.


Are you in search of lost childhood?
Are you looking in vain for that innocent joy which made life such a constantly rewarding experience?
Is your quest made all the more poignant by the fact that you know it's impossible? Maybe we can help. We at Stapleton Brothers have a long pedigree in the invention and manufacture of mind-altering drugs. Now, for your delectation, we present...Elysium! Two capsules of Elysium will instantly return you to the cognitive state of a seven-year-old, allowing you to once again be a child for a few short hours. Ideal for pyjama parties, trips to the zoo and practical jokes of all varieties. Elysium, from Stapleton Brothers. 35 credits a capsule.