Destroyer Ship ML4D

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ML4D Salvia
Type Destroyer
Primary User CIS
Max Velocity 240 KPS
Acceleration 48 KPS2
Max Y/P/R 10/10/10 dps
Turrets Dual Mount Turret B (2)
Armor 1500 cm
Shields 1500 cm
Fighter Complement Small on carrier variant
Jump Drive Yes

ML4D Salvia in military colors, Tri-System circa 2790.

The Salvia is the standard destroyer of the Tri-System military. Salvia are routinely sent on space patrol, engaging the numerous pirate fighters which prey on hapless merchants. At the same time, Salvias are often the target of coordinated pirate operations: many Salvia have been captured in pirate attacks. The Salvia-class carries a small fighter complement. Messineo Couriers uses a Salvia as a defensive cruiser. Notable Salvias include the CIS Aggressor and the CIS Lilliana.

ML4D Salvia in neutral colors.