Operation Crusade - 2655

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Operation Crusade was a military operation conducted by the Terran Confederation in response to the Kilrathi invasion of Firekka in 2655.


In the year 2653, the Terran Confederation first established contact with the Firekkans, a bird-like race native to the frontier system of Firekka in the Epsilon Sector. In the years following their first contact, the Confederation and the Firekkans established cordial relations in which the Terrans began open participation in space-based operations on the frontier, allowing the Firekkans to travel off-world for the first time in their history. As the Terran-Kilrathi War raged on, the Confederation developed a desperate need for allies with whom to combat the brutal Kilrathi, and sought to establish a military alliance with the Firekkans, agreeing to protect them from the Kilrathi invaders in the process. After extensive negotiations, an agreement was reached and the Firekkans sought to become a full-fledged member of the Terran Confederation.

Diplomatic Crisis

In 2655, the Terran Confederation Diplomatic Corps was sent to Firekka to finalize a formal treaty of alliance with the Firekkans, granting the Firekkan population full participation in Confederation affairs. To ensure the success of the treaty, the Confederation deployed its forces to guard the planet during the ceremony, led by the famed TCS Tiger's Claw. The Diplomatic Corps arrived at Firekka on the TCS Perez de Cuellar, but it came under threat from nearby Kilrathi patrols. The Tiger's Claw deployed its pilots to escort the ship to Firekka safely, led by Major Christopher Blair. The mission was a success and the Diplomatic Corps arrived safely, enabling the delegation to finalize the alliance with the Firekkans. During the mission however, the Confederation intercepted an enemy convoy in what was considered an insignificant area of space. It was later confirmed that some of the Kilrathi pilots in the engagement were members of the Drakhai, the Imperial Elite Guard. In a later engagement, Major Blair encountered three Fralthi-Class Cruisers while tracking Kilrathi movement through the star system, creating cause for concern over Firekka's security.

Despite the unusual nature of these skirmishes, the negotiations on Firekka went on as planned, and the Confederation and Firekkan delegations signed the treaty that ushered in Firekka and its populace as the newest members of the Terran Confederation.


In the weeks following the signing of the Confederation-Firekkan alliance, the situation in the Firekka System began to deteriorate rapidly. All across the front lines, Confederation fleets were reporting the withdrawal of several Kilrathi strike forces from major strategic systems across the galaxy, including Vega Prime and the Deneb Quadrant. These retreats came without warning and were occurring simultaneously, much to the confusion of the Confederation High Command. It was soon confirmed that these strike fleets were all converging on Firekka, despite it having no strategic value to the war effort. Alarmed at the situation, High Command ordered all vessels, including the Tiger's Claw to fall back while it sent reinforcements to defend the system. The Diplomatic Corps were subsequently evacuated from Firekka on the TCS Trygvie Lie and the TCS U Thant, and were safely escorted out of the system by pilots of the Tiger's Claw. The Claw carried out numerous raids on the incoming Kilrathi convoys as it retreated out of the star system, inflicting substantial damage against the Kilrathi but sustaining the loss of several pilots in the process. As the Kilrathi closed in, the Claw and all Confederation vessels at Firekka were forced to retreat to the nearby Corsair System, where they would carry out their campaign to remove the Kilrathi from the Firekka System. Unfortunately, this also meant that the Firekkans had no real defense against the Kilrathi invasion, paving the way for a Kilrathi occupation of their home world.

The Kilrathi quickly deployed a massive ground force and swiftly occupied Firekka, enslaving most of the population. Despite the overwhelming odds, the Firekkans initiated an underground resistance against the Kilrathi, in spite of their lack of equipment and numbers. Meanwhile, the Confederation fleet initiated its campaign against the Kilrathi invasion, codenamed Operation Crusade. It would carry out strategic strikes against the fleets occupying Firekka in an effort to cripple the invasion. The Confederation carried out numerous strikes against the Kilrathi, which resulted in encounters with the Snakeir-Class Carriers and experimental Hhriss Heavy Fighters. The pilots of the Tiger's Claw destroyed several Kilrathi patrols and convoys in its campaign, but the Kilrathi hold on Firekka remained unshaken.

An unexpected development during the campaign culminated when Lord Ralgha nar Hhallas, captain of the KIS Ras Nik'hra announced his intent to defect to the Terran Confederation, citing his own disillusionment with the Imperial Kilrathi regime. The Tiger's Claw was sent to rendezvous with the Ras Nik'hra and ensure the safe retrieval of the Kilrathi defectors. The rendezvous was threatened when the KIS Kraj'nishk and its wing attempted to intercept the Ras Nik'hra, but this attempt was thwarted by Major Blair and Ian St. John, who destroyed the Kraj'nishk and her wing. Lord Ralgha and his vessel were soon retrieved by the Confederation, and Ralgha voluntarily underwent interrogation on he knew of the Kilrathi's intentions.