Golden Sun

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The Golden Sun was a Terran Confederation military medal. It was awarded for surviving the destruction of one's ship. The medal was only ever awarded once to a pilot in his career.

The recipient was typically warned, before receiving the medal, that the award was a one-time event and that subsequent ejections without justifiable reason would be met with disciplinary action.

Colonel Halcyon's Office
Peter Halcyon
Armstrong. Come in. I need to speak with you.
Christopher Blair
Yes, sir?
Peter Halcyon
You are about to receive a Golden Sun for ejecting and surviving...
but you only get one of those per career.
SWC Early (Enyo) Audio, SWC Late (Jakarta) Audio, SWC (Jakarta) Late Text SWC Early (Enyo) Text, WC (Enyo)
After that, ejecting is just a waste of the Confederation's starfighters. After that, ejecting just wastes the Confederation's starfighters.
Early in Game Late in Game

Christopher Blair
I understand, Colonel.
I'll keep it in mind.

Peter Halcyon
That's all then, Lt.

Christopher Blair
I won't forget it, sir.

The medal ceremony itself followed the same format as many of the other ceremonies typically performed to celebrate a pilot's achievements.

Hangar Deck 17:00 hours, 2654.110 Hangar Deck

Peter Halcyon
For Bravely sacrificing his vessel and endangering his life...
in combat with the Kilrathi enemy...


in the Enyo System, on or about 2654.110,
the Terran Confederation is proud to present the Golden Sun to 2nd Lt. Blair.

the Terran Confederation is proud to present the Golden Sun.

WC (Enyo) SWC Early (Enyo), WC(SegaCD) (Venice) SWC Late (SM1.5 Jakarta)
Your dedication to the Confederation honors all humanity. Your devotion to the Confederation honors all humanity. Your dedication honors all of the Confederation.
Early in Game (Enyo and Venice) Late in Game (SM1.5 Jakarta)
Good job, Maverick. Well done, Maverick.


Christopher Blair
Thank you, sir.

WC only
Filled with pride, you meet the applause of your fellows.