Delta Wing (Valgard System)

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Delta Wing
Fighter Rapier
Wingmen Michael Casey
Previous Mu Wing (Valgard System)
Next Omicron Wing (Vigrid System)

Mission Layout


The Memoirs of Lieutenant Colonel Carl T. LaFong

Preflight Conversations

Talk to Shotglass

Hey, Maverick, glad to see you're all right.
I keep hearin' that the situation is bad and gettin' worse....
I think the stress is getting to everyone.
I've seen a lot of off-duty pilots in here, getting drunker than skunks. And fighting each other...
Two techs and a pilot tried to kill each other in here, two hours ago.
And some people are just going crazy, like Maniac.
I'm tellin' you, if we don't finish off those Kilrathi soon and get out of this place....
...we might end up killing each other, and save the Kilrathi some work.

Talk to Angel

Maverick I am glad to see that you are well.
I had heard that you were injured on your last mission.
There are too many rumors floating around this ship. Mon dieu, some of the stories I have heard
I, for one, cannot believe that this is a suicide mission.
Soon we will complete this mission, and return to our duties in Vega Sector.

Talk to Spirit

Hello, Maverick. I have been sitting here, thinking.
My fiance...what if he has been captured, like those poor souls aboard the Gwenhyvar?
Captured, and forced to betray his own people, over and over again?
It is a fate too horrible to contemplate.
I will tell you now, if I were to be captured....
...I think I would rather die.
Better that than the dishonor and shame of what happened to the Gwenhyvar's crew.

Mission Briefing

Peter Halcyon

Listen closely, pilots, because we don't have much time.
Our success against the supply depot has left a large number of Kilrathi fighters without a home base.
Tactical says those ships are heading here. They'll be very low on fuel...they may try to take the Tiger's Claw intact.
Pilots, you'll stay close to the Tiger's Claw and defend.
As soon as those ships are destroyed, land immediately. We'll be jumping from this location....
...before more of these orphaned fighters can arrive.
Wing assignments

The Commander lists the other wing teams, then addresses you

Peter Halcyon

Maverick, you and Iceman are Mu Wing again.
Get ready for immediate launch. Dismissed.

Mission Debriefing

Mission Debriefing -- $T, $D.

Peter Halcyon
Glad to see you back alive.
The recorder shows you nailed $K of those cats, Major. Good work.
And Iceman took down $L Kilrathi.
Christopher Blair
It was a rough fight out there, Colonel.
Peter Halcyon
Well, you'd better get some rest while you can, Maverick.